"Clue to the solution of the Turkish Riddle"

This is in response to the message entitled "Clue to the solution of
the Turkish Riddle" that appeared in historical_linguistics_2. The
full text of the message is attached to the end of this paper.

The writer's main theme was:

"Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938) instituted language reform for
Turkish, at that time Turkish had about 70 percent of its lexicon
composed of Arabic and Persian words. In the language reform most of
those words were purged and new forms were created. Reconstruction was
accompanied by propagandistic claims that certain reconstructions were
consistent with what would be expected in a kind of a protolanguage,
and then there was added to that, propaganda which suggested that
Turkish was the original language. The professor also told me that
this is not talked about much, indicating that it is sort of covered
up. when I asked her about connections to Greek, she was not aware of
connections to Greek."

Polat Kaya: Evidently the writer of the message and his invisible
professor friend are badly confused about Turkish. The writer's
allegation has no validity whatsoever. It is a sophisticated shot in
the dark intended to deter what Polat Kaya has been saying about the
Indo-European and Semitic languages. It is clear that the writer and
his adviser do not know much about Turkish or Turks or Turkish
history. Instead of concentrating and commenting on Polat Kaya's
all-encompassing revelations, he is trying to change the direction of
the discussion on an imaginary slope by an unwarranted attack on the
Turkish language and Turkish linguists. The terms "reconstruction" and
"propaganda" that the writer chose to use in his statement are
misrepresentations trying to paint the Turks black. It is clear that
the writer wants to bring a sophisticated approach to the discussion
hoping to turn the tables around. Sophisticated arguments like this,
that is, appearing rational but loaded with trickery and bent in
logic, are often used in debates by the weak sides.

What linguists claim as 70 percent of the Turkish "LEXICON" (early
1900's) was Arabic and Persian words is not necessarily a true figure.
Somebody has blurted out a number which is now being conveniently
propagated. It is now understood that these words were mostly
anagrammatized from an older Turkish into a later Arabic and a later
Persian. It was quite natural to have them in local Turkish because
Turks have been in Iran and the rest of the Middle East for thousands
of years and for sure before the ARYANs (Ariyans). This is even
admitted by the Iranian epics. I have indicated this many times over
with references.

Yes there were Arabic and Persian words in Ottoman Turkish but Arabic
and Persian had previously used anagrammatization of Turkish source
material to come up with words for their respective languages. Many
of these so-called "Arabic" and "Persian" words that were incorporated
into Ottoman Turkish were Turkic sounding words because they contained
Turkic components. For instance, the so-called "Arabic" word "KITAB"
meaning "BOOK" is an anagram of Turkish "BITIK" meaning "BOOK". In
this case, "Arabic" "KITAB" is a reverse reading of Turkish "BITIK"
with minor vowel changes. After the longest living Turkic state in
human history (i.e., ancient Masar / Misir) was collapsed by the
instigations of non-Masarian missionaries who filled its cities by the
thousands, the Turkish language of ancient Masar was changed,
obliterated and used as source material for newly constructed words. A
similar thing happened in Iran also, just like what is taking place in
so-called "Kurdistan". Turkish language is being converted into
something different.

Arabs inherited that ancient Turkic civilization of Masar (Misir) -
but Arabs are a mixed people. Most of them are the descendents of the
ancient Turanian Tur/Turk peoples and a comparatively small segment
are Semitic. Additionally, modern Turks have been the rulers of
Masar/Misir at least for the last one thousand years of Masarian
history under the names of Mameluks, Ottomans, and Saricans (who were
the Kipçak Turks; name "SARICAN" has been distorted into "SARACENS"
and "MOORES", later called "ARAB") [1] and other Turkic elements.
The Saricans were alienated from their Turkic source by the intermixed
Semitics. Turks being a tolerant people, were able to adopt and
approve all kinds of culture to live under their hegemony. In that
process, it was natural to have so-called "Arabic" words, that were
generated from an earlier Turkish, integrate into the "Ottoman" Turkish.

During the years following Ataturk's time, the Turkish language was
purified from alien sounding words, rather than "reconstructed" as the
writer misleadingly alludes. These concepts are not the same thing.

It should not be forgotten that Turkish is an agglutinative language.
Basically a monosyllabic language in which syllables are concatenated
to each other to come up with larger words of differing meanings. This
is the nature of Turkish. With this characteristic, Turkish has
infinite room for growth. Additionally it must also be noted that
when Turks were purifying their language from what they considered as
"foreign" elements, they were also bringing in the native Anatolian
Turkish words and the Central Asiatic Turkish words into use. And if
they were generating any new words at all, they were using the
resources of Turkish language within the rules of Turkish. The process
is natural and rational development of Turkish from Turkish. They were
not "restructuring" anything taken from anyone that might be called
"Indo-European" (IE) as the writer insinuates. What Turkish has taken
from other languages has stayed visible, that is, unlike the
Indo-European and Semitic languages that took Turkish words and
phrases, restructured them into different shapes and then called these
new mixtures their own.

Throughout history, anyone knowing Turkish could travel from any part
of the Mediterranean geography all the way to China and Siberia with
great ease. This was so because of the widespread use of Turkish
throughout that vast geography and because that vast geography was
Turkic speaking world.

Additionally the writer said:

"If Polat Kaya's work is proved to show connections to Greek, then it
is most probably the result of those language reforms which took place
under the decree of Ataturk, which was accompanied by the propaganda.
Since this is not much talked about, it would be interesting to search
into this further."

Polat Kaya: First of all, there is no if's or but's about Polat
Kaya's work. Polat Kaya has openly and honestly demonstrated the
validity of his work many times over that the Greek language was
artificially constructed from Turkish by way of anagrammatizing
Turkish texts. It must be further noted that Polat Kaya is not trying
to show "Turkish connections to Greek", but rather "Greek connections
to Turkish" and similarly the IE language connections to Turkish. In
both cases the "connection" is the "anagrammatization" of Turkish into
these languages.

It is understandable that some people will find it painful to accept
Polat Kaya's findings, but that is expected with new revelations.
Historically a deceptive act of immense proportion has been committed
and the trusting world public has been conned by a few. Polat Kaya has
detected the embezzlement of an ancient and magnificent Turanic
civilization and is merely sharing his findings with all.

Secondly, what the writer is trying to insinuate is that the
correspondences Polat Kaya shows, i.e., finding Turkish words and
phrases encoded into IE and Semitic words, is really the result of
Turkish language "reconstructions" - implying that the correspondences
occur because Turks reconstructed IE words - not the other way around.
The writer is also insinuating that Turks somehow used massive
propaganda to cover this up. Of course, nothing can be further from
the truth than this misguided claim.

Turks have nothing to hide about their Turkish language. Turkish is a
language that is many thousands of years old contrary to the
perpetrated misrepresentations. When Turkish was being spoken as a
universal language around Sumerian and Masarian times, there was no
Greek or Latin or Semitic languages around contrary to all the
"scholarly" propaganda that people have been subjected to. Turks did
not get their language from Greek or Semitic or any other source. The
evidences show that facts are the other way around. Nor is Turkish
related to any of the artificially manufactured Indo-European or
Semitic languages other than the fact that Turkish was the source
language for them all.

Polat Kaya's work reveals the fact that the Turkish language was
usurped, restructured and disguised as Indo-European and Semitic
languages over a very long time. That is why when so many
Indo-European words are decoded, skilfully hidden Turkish
correspondence texts come to the surface. Such correspondences are not
due to any imaginative "reconstruction" of Turkish from other
languages as the writer alludes to. Neither has there been any
"propaganda" carried on by the Turkish linguists to cover up anything.
The "theory", that is, if one can call such false supposition as one,
put forward by the writer not only has no ground to stand on, but also
appears to be an intentional defamation of Turkish to counter Polat
Kaya's revelations.

The Turkish that I use mostly for decoding the Greek, Latin and
Semitic languages is the one that I learned in my eastern Anatolian
village some seventy five years ago. It was pure unadultarated
Anatolian village Turkish. There was no "reconstruction" or anything
of the kind in our village language. So, the writer's insinuation is

For the benefit of the writer, let me say this: In the business of
"propaganda" Turks are the weakest. Propaganda is not their forte.
Turks are poor seller of anything. It can be said that Turks can
become almost anything except a good propagandist. So in purifying
their language they had nothing to hide and nothing to make
"propaganda" about. However I welcome the writer to investigate his
imaginary supposition since he thinks "it would be interesting to
search into this further".

By the way, the term "PROPAGANDA" contains the Turkish word "GANDURUP"
meaning "that which deceives". The term "propaganda" is exactly that
and is used to con people, to get people to believe a false doctrine.
As can be seen, this Indo-European word has also been made up from
Turkish. The Turkish words "ganmak" and "gandirmak" have probably been
part of Turkish for thousands of years. Now, in view of all this, let
no one insinuate by way of sophistication that Turks recovered the
term "GANDURUP" or "GANDIRIP" or any one of the other correspondences
from Indo-European languages.

Now let us see what can be regarded as real "propaganda". For example:

Making people believe that the confusion of "one language that world
spoke" in ancient times was caused by the "collapse" of a so-called
"Tower of Babel" is a real propaganda that has conned the world
population far too long. The real identity of "Tower of Babel" has
never been revealed before. Polat Kaya showed that this imaginary
"tower" was in reality a representation of a tower of rotating air
mass known as a "tornado". This shows how skilfull propaganda can con
not only the ordinary trusting people but also the so-called
"scholars" of the world as well. Somehow, no one questions how could
any falling "tower" confuse any language? There could be no
convincing answer to such query because there is no connection between
the two concepts. So it is irrational, it is a con job and it is a
well established propaganda. Maybe the writer should investigate and
research this. I did and I shared my findings with all.

Turkish is not a "riddle" as the writer claims. The real riddle is
the Indo-European and Semitik languages where words were encrypted
from Turkish and the meaning attributed to each word is a vague
description of the original Turkish meaning. This fact will not be
brushed away anymore. The veil has fallen and the face behind the veil
revealed. I have demonstrated this fact so many times. The writer is
trying to guide the storm to another direction so that the nature of
these languages is not discussed.

The writer alludes to recentness of Turkish language. To show
ancientness of the Turkish language, I would like to highlight some
ancient Turkish words and/or words that have been made up from

1) The name "GILGAMISH" has been changed from Turkish "BILGAMESH"
which makes Turkish as old as the Sumerian Epic story so-called
"GILGAMESH". The Sumerian version of the name "GILGAMESH" is
"BILGAMESH" [2] which is a Turkish word. Selling Turkish "BILGAMESH"
as "GILGAMESH" to the world is a well achieved "propaganda".

2) The ancient Sumerians called their god by the generic name of
"DINGIR" which is the same as the Turkish name "TENGIR" for "god".
Thus again Turkish language is as old as that of the Sumerians.

3) The name of the ancient Masar city "THEBES" is from the Turkish
name "TEPE" meaning "head, hill, top of the mountain". TEPE is the
same in both Turkish and the ancient Masar tongue. Thus Turkish is as
old as this ancient Masar (Misir) city name and the Masar word "tepe".
Portraying the ancient Masarians as "Egyptians" is an ongoing
propaganda. "Egypt" is a bogus name representing the wanderers of the
time. Ancient Masar people were not wandering peoples.

4) The Masar name for "father" was "ATA" ("ATA EFE") [3] and so is in
Turkish "ATA" meaning "father" or "father man".

5) The Masarian king name presented as "AMENHOTEP" [4] which has
served as a title to many Masarian Kings (Pharoahs), [5] is actually
a misrepresented Turkish expression. In its presented form it conveys
no information. Yet its hierogylphic writing is transliterated as
"A-MEN-KH-TP" which has much religious and stately meanings in its
Turkish form "A MEN AGA TEPE" which says:

a) "AMEN (AMUN) IS THE HEAD LORD" thus defining the identity of this
Masarian Sky-God in Turkish.

b) "A MEN AGA TEPE" (BIR MEN AGA TEPE) meaning "Only I am Head (Top)
Lord" which of course defines the Pharoah himself as the Top Lord of
the state. Evidently when this title for Masarian ("Egyptian") kings
was coined, Turkish was there.

6) The Masarian God's name "AMEN" so-called "AMUN" is Turkish "A MEN"
meaning "the "first Man" where letter "A" is "one, first" which refers
to the "Sky-Father-God" who is regarded as the "creator of man and the
universe." Additionally, it is the Turkish expression "O MEN" meaning
"He is me" or "I am HIM". This makes "GOD" concept parallel to "MAN"
in Turkish. That is why it is said that "God created 'man' in his own
image." This concept comes from ancient Turkish culture. Extensive
propaganda was used to alienate this name of God from Turkish thus the
oldest religious concept was obliterated. Every time we say "Amen"
after a "pray", we recall this ancient Turkish name for "GOD" as used
in ancient Tur/Turk Masar / Misir land.

7) The ancient Masarian God "OSIR", alienated from Turkish by Greeks
by calling him "OSIRIS", is nothing but the Turkish names "AS ER"
These are some of the names of Turkish Sky-God "OGUZ". "OGUZ ER" is
also the Turkish "AGUZ ER", that is, the "LANGUAGE MAN"). Alienating
all of these from Turkish is due to immense |propaganda" fabricated by
so-called "scholars" of the ancient world.

8) The hieroglyphic symbol for the ancient Masarian Moon goddess is
said to be "AST", [6] Its Hellenized version is "ISIS" which has the
phonetic value "ysh" (ashe) [7]. This name is nothing but the Turkish
name "AY + IShI" meaning "moon light". "ISIS" (AYIShI) is also
commonly known among the Turkish women as "AYShE". Alienating this
ancient name from its Turkish origin is due to immense "propaganda"
fabricated by "scholars" of the ancient world.

9) The name of the ancient Masar (Misir) Queen so-called "HATSHEPSUT"
has at least two meanings. When the name is shown as "HATSHE-PSTU", is
the Turkish expression "HATIÇE PAShTU" (HATIÇE BAShDU) meaning "HATICE
is Head", "Hatice is ahead of every one", "she is the top", "she is
the head of all". Of course as the Queen of ancient Masar (Misir) she
was the "top woman". And additionally, as a woman it also meant "she
was the top of them all". This also shows that her name was "HATIÇE"
which is a widely used female name among Turkish and Islamic women.

Additionally, when the name is shown as "HA-SHET-PS-UT", is the
Turkish expression "AHA ESHETI PASh UT" (AGA EÇEDI BASh OD) meaning
"Lord-Great-Mother is the Fire above). By another way of saying it
means "Goddess is Head Fire". This title refers to her as the
representative of Sun-God above. Ancient Masar (Misir) was a Sky-God
believing Turanian state. Other elavating meanings in Turkish can also
be attributed to this title that describes the Queen "HATSHEPSUT".

10) Even the English term "QUEEN", when decrypted as "QU-ENE", is an
anagram of Turkish title "GUN ANA" meaning "Sun Mother", that is, the
other half of the "King" which is an anagram of Turkish title "GUN
AKA" meaning "SUN LORD".

11) The Masarian king name "AKHENATON", who also had the title of
"AMENHOTEP IV", is nothing but the Turkish expression "AK HAN OT AN"
meaninfg "White Lord Fire Sky" which refers to the Sun-God. Another
form of this expression would be "HAKAN OT AN" meaning "The Sky Fire
Ruler", again referring to the Sun. Additionally, it is the Turkish
expression "HAK HAN OT AN" meaning "Sky Fire Lord Justice" indicating
that the ruler is also the giver of Sun-God's justice. Thus all of
these meanings in Turkish also refer to the Masar King "AKHENATON" who
was the representative of the "SUN-GOD". Alienating this King and his
title from Turkish culture and Turkish world is due to immense
"propaganda" fabicated by so-called "scholars" of the ancient world.

Reading ancient Masar king names in such a manner that cannot be
comprehended alienates them from their ancient Turkish origins. These
misrepresentations are due to "propaganda" fabricated by so-called
"scholars" of the ancient world.

12) The Ancient Masar kings were the representative of God on earth.
Because of that, they also indicated themselves by the name "KHEPRI"
which was represented with a Scarab "beetle" named in Latin as
"SCARABAEUS". This name is defined as "a large black or nearly black,
dung beetle (SCARABAEUS SACER) regarded by the ancient Egyptians as
symbolic of resurrection and immortality." [8]

"The name of the sovereign rulers were written with the figure of this
beetle in cartouches bearing the title name of the kings. The reason
for this representation was because the beetle's name was the same as
the Sky-God's name, that is, read as "KHEPRI". [9] "KHEPRI" or
"HEBREW" by some other showing was the Turkish expression "AGA BIR O"
meaning "HE IS THE ONE LORD" or "THE ONLY LORD". This referred to not
only the Sky-God of the ancient Turanians in Masar (Egypt), but also
to the Masar King (Pharoah) himself. Thus Turkish was there when the
ancient Masarians coined this word. Alienating and obliterating this
name from its Turkish origin was due to immense "propaganda"
fabricated by the "scholars" of the ancient world.

Additionally, this Tur/Turk Masarian name KHEPRI (HEBREW from Turkish
"Aha Bir O") was also applicable to the Palestinians and all of the
Cananites who were Turkic peoples and not Semitic - contrary to all
the "propaganda" of the ancient world "scholars".

Thus the name "HEBREW" is this ancient Tur/Turk Masarian name that has
been taken by those who were not Masarian and were not "AGA BIR O".

Additionally the Latin name "SCARABAEUS" has embedded in it Turkish
expressions "KARA BEY OGUZ" (Lord Black Oguz) and "KÖR BEY OGUZ"
(Blind Lord Oguz) both referring to the Tur/Turk Moon-God as well as
"KOR BEY OGUZ" (Fire Lord Oguz) and "GÖR BEY OGUZ" (Seeing Lord Oguz)
both referring to the Tur/Turk Sun God.

The name SACER in the scientific name of the Scarab beetle, refers to
the name "SAKA ER" of ancient SAKA Tur/Turk peoples. SAKA (SKA) is
shown to be the second founding King name of the ancient Tur/Turk
Masar State (about 3100 B.C.) [10]

The Italian version of the name of this insect is given as
"SCARAFAGGIO" meaning "a beetle (insect)". [11] However when it is
rewritten as "AS GARA FOCIG", where the original Turkish "B" has been
changed to "F", is readily seen as the Turkish expression "AS GARA
BOCIG" (Bir kara böcek) meaning "One black insect" - which is exactly
what the SCARAB dung beetle is.

13) The name of "HELIOPOLIS" is the Greek name for the ancient
Masarian (Egyptian) city of "ON" named after the Sun-God. [12] "ON" is
a version of the Turkic name "HAN" meaning "LORD" which the "Sun" was,
and also Turkish "HAN" means a "palace". A city founded for the
Sun-God can only be named after the Sun. This is what the ancient
Tur/Turk Masarians did. The Mono-syllabic aspect of the name "ON"
(HAN) should be noted.

Greek HELIOPOLIS is just another anagrammatized Turkish expression
describing this ancient Tur/Turk Masarian Sun city.

Another version of the name "ON" (HAN) was "BAALBEK" which is the
anagram of Turkish expression "ABA AL BEK" (APA AL BEY) meaning
"Father Red Lord" which again refers to the Red Sun which the ancient
Tur / Turk peoples regarded as their Sky-God. Thus again it is seen
that Turkish is as old as the name "ON", "HELIOPOLIS" and "BAALBEK".

BAALBEK was also the name of another city for the name of Sun God in
ancient Lebanon. "BAALBEK was the site of ancient Phoenician temple
to BAAL; Greek "HELIOPOLIS". [13] The Phoenician name "BAAL" is the
Turkic "APA AL" (ABA AL, Baba AL) meaning "RED FATHER", thus referring
to SUN. Phoenicians were not Semitic peoples as erroneously claimed.

14) The Greek name "NEKROPOLIS", meaning "graveyard", when decrypted
letter-by-letter as "OPO NESARLIK", is an anagram of Turkish word "APA
MEZARLIK" meaning the "graveyard of fathers." This again makes Turkish
older than Greek. When the Greeks anagrammatized this word from
Turkish, Turkish was there in fullly developed form.

15) The name TORAH that is used by the Semitic sources is nothing but
the Turkish word TORA/TÖRE" meaning "law, order, tradition, customs".
So Turkish is as old as the name TORAH" that Semitics erroneously
attribute to themselves.

16) The name GENESIS is nothing but the Turkish word "GUNESh"
referring to the Sun - which of course is the source of all creation
that "GENESIS" talks about. Also embedded in "GENESIS" is the Turkish
word "CANIZ" referring to living beings - which is what was created in
"GENESIS". Also embedded in "GENESIS" is the Turkish word "GONUSh"
referring to "Speech" and "GANISh" for "understanding". So the Turks
and the Turkish language are at least as old as the so-called name

17) And finally the name DAVID or DAVUD, claimed by Semitics as their
own, is really a personification of the Sun in Turkish. The name
"DAVOD" (DAVUD, DAVID) is an anagram of Turkish "DEV OD" meaning
"Giant Fire" which refers to the Sun in Turkish. This name also has
associated with it an emblem - known as the "Star of David". It is
logical for "DEV OD" (i.e., DAVID) to have a star symbol because
"DEVOD" is the SUN which is a star. All of this makes sense in Turkish.

Additionally, this six cornered star of "DEV OD"(DAVOD) adorns the
walls of many old Turkish mosques embellished on beautiful Turkish
colorful ceramics. It is also one of the ancient Turkish "stamps"
engraved on stones in Central Asia, and furthermore, it was on the
flag of the Ottoman admiral Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha during the reign
of Turkish Sultan SÜLEYMAN The MAGNIFICENT. So, this "DEV OD" (DAVUD,
DAVID) and its six cornered star symbol are all Turkish in origin.

Thus alienating all of these names from their Turkish origin is due to
an ongoing "propaganda" fabricated by the "scholars" of the ancient world.

I could give a much longer list but this should suffice.

Best wishes to all,


[1] Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1947, p. 882.
[2] John L. Hayes, "A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 129.
[3] Samuel A. B. Mercer, "The Handbook of Egyptian Hieroglyphs A Study
of the Ancient Language", Hippocrene Books, Inc., New York, 1993,
p. 11, and p. 157.
[4] Samuel A. B. Mercer, same book, p. 13.
[5] Lional Casson and The Editors of TIME-LIFE Books, "Ancient Egypt",
Time Incorporated, New York, 1965.
[6] E. A. Wallis Budge, "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary",
Dover Publications, Inc., New York, p. cxxxi.
[7] Samuel A. B. Mercer, same book, p. 7.
[8] Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1947, p. 887.
[9] Samuel A. B. Mercer, same book, p. 10, 193.
[10] E. A. Wallis Budge, "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary", Dover
Publications, Inc., New York, p. 917. (List of Egyptian Kings,
Predynastic Kings: Kings of Lower Egypt)
[11] C. Craglia's "New Pocket Dictionary of the Italian and
English Languages", London & New York, 1864, p. 346.
[12] Encyclopaedia Britanniaca World Language Dictionary (EBWLD),
1963, Vol. 1, p. 586.
[13] EBWLD, 1963, Vol. 1, p. 103.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya


Copyright © Polat Kaya, 2004.

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From: david_89793
Date: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:54 am
Subject: Clue to the solution of the
Turkish Riddle

I just got back from a Middle East music-and-drum retreat, and I had
conversations with a professor who did her Doctoral work in Middle
Eastern languages, also she speaks Turkish, Arabic, and Persian
(which as most of you all know are of three different language
families). She gave me the following information about Turkish which
is not widely known, though I suppose a good number of linguists may
be aware of this. Also I believe a member of this group mentioned this
at one point this year.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938) instituted language reform for
Turkish, at that time Turkish had about 70 percent of its lexicon
composed of Arabic and Persian words. In the language reform most of
those words were purged and new forms were created. Reconstruction was
accompanied by propagandistic claims that certain reconstructions were
consistent with what would be expected in a kind of a protolanguage,
and then there was added to that, propaganda which suggested that
Turkish was the original language. The professor also told me that
this is not talked about much, indicating that it is sort of covered
up. when I asked her about connections to Greek, she was not aware of
connections to Greek. If Polat Kaya's work is proved to show
connections to Greek, then it is most probably the result of those
language reforms which took place under the decree of Ataturk, which
was accompanied by the propaganda. Since this is not much talked
about, it would be interesting to search into this further.

This was considered a great success in language revival, and general
methods on the efforts were somewhat of a model for the Hebrew
revival, producing Modern Hebrew.

That is the extent of what the scholar had told to me.

The following information was obtained from Kutscher's History of
Hebrew, and also checked with a native speaker of Israeli Hebrew. Just
prior to Modern Hebrew, Israeli Hebrew was spoken. Modern Hebrew
introduces some more Biblical forms than Israeli Hebrew, and Modern
Hebrew is based on the Safardic vocalization of 5 vowels, and the
Arabic consonant phonemes. There are differences in grammatical
inflections, and differences in grammar in general.

I would like to offer that Biblical Hebrew in this context above is
the Classical Literary Hebrew (which may have been spoken) from 1000
years ago, which I distinguish as a different language from Ancient
Hebrew, spoken over 2,500 years ago.
