Türk Hazar Imparatorlugu hakkinda yazismalar

--- In b_c_n@yahoogroups.com, Polat Kaya <tntr@C...> wrote:
Degerli Arkadaslar,

Merhaba. Bildiginiz gibi Tarihte Türk milletinin kurmus oldugu
imparatorluklardan birisi de Türk Hazar Imparatorlugudur. Avrasyanin
bu günkü Ukrayna, Donve Idil nehirleri bölgeleri ve Kafkaslar
bölgesini içine alan bu büyük Türk imparatorlugu tarihimizde 16 Türk
Devleti diye bilinen büyük Türk devletlerinden biri olup Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaskanligi sancagindaki 16 yildizdan biridir.
Tarihte sekiz asir kadar bir muhtesem ömür yasamis bu Türk Hazar
Imparatorlugu, M. S. 6. ve 13. asirlar arasinda hükümran olmus, essiz
bir hos görüye, esitlik kanunlarina, hak ve adalete riayet eden,
gününden en az 1500 yil daha ileride, san ki günümüzde ki çagdas
demokrat bir devlet imis gibi tarihe damgasini vurmustur. Bu
büyük Türk imparatorlugunun adil kanatlari altinda bir çok gruplar
gerek sosyal hayat ve gerekse ekonomik hayat bakimindan çok
hür ve zengin çaglar yasamislardir. Bunlarin arasinda basta gelenler
de Yahudiler olmustur. Buraya pek çok uzak diyarlardan kaçarak
gelen Yahudi tüccar ve misyonerler hem zenginlesmisler ve hem de
dinlerini yayma firsatini bulmuslardir. Hatta öyle ki bazi Hazar
kaganlari bile Museviligi kabullenmis ve aralarinda ad bile
degistirmis olanlar olmustur. Bu arada olasilikla Kaganlarin
yakinlari ve belki de bazi Türkler Museviligi kabul etmisler.
Denildigine göre, imparatorluk içinde daginik halde 30,000 kadar
musevi dininden olanlar varmis.

Bu muhtesem Türk imparatorlugunu bazi Yahudi gruplari yaptiklari
çesitli yayinlar vasitasiyla dünyaya Yahudi Imparatorlugu adi ile
tanitmaktalar. 1997 lerde bir vesile ile bu gibi tanitmalara karsi
çikmistim. Hazar Imparatorlugu konusunda www.khazaria.com adresli
web-sitesinin sahibi Kevin Brook adli kisi ile son birkaç hafta içinde
bir e-mail konusmamiz gerçeklesti. Hazar Imparatorlugu ile
ilgilenenlerin bu tartismali yazismalari görmelerinde yarar olur
düsüncesiyle bu iki yazimi ve eklerini sizlerin dikkatine sunuyorum.
www.khazaria.com web-sayfasina bakip söylenenleri dikkatle okuyup,
kimlerin nelerin pesinde oldugunu özellikle görmenizi öneriyorum.

Türk Hazar Imparatorlugu hakkinda yapilan pek çok arastirma
yazilarinda ve buluntularin tasvirlerinde kaypak dil kullanilmakta
olup yaniltici sözler, yanlis bilgilendirme ve yanlis temsil etmelerle
eski Türk tarihini saptirilmaktadir. Türk dünyasinin kültürü Türkden
alinip baskalarina aktarilmaktadir. Bu gibi aktarmalara sözde
"samimiyet" havasi içinde yapildigi görüntüsü verilmektedir.
Gerçeklerin ne oldugunu bilmeyen çogu okuyucu kolaylikla yanlis
bilgilendirilmektedir. Her okuyucu okudugunu pek sorusturmadigina
göre, yazilan yazilar da, dogru veya yanlis, bir kere yazildiktan
sonra ve yanlislar da duzeltilmedikce, ilerisi için kaynak belgeler
oluyor. Simdilerde "Yahudi Hazar" diye yazilip tanitilan Turk Hazar
Imparatorlugunun, gelecegin Yahudi Hazar Imparatorlugu diye
bilineceginden hiç kimsenin süphesi olmasin. Bu konuda devamli
sekilde çalisan bir sebeke var. Asil garip olan ve bu gibi olaylara
cesaret veren durum, bu haller karsisinda Türk insaninin hiç sesinin
çikmadigidir. Kaç kisi bilir ki Israil bayragi üzerindeki alti köseli
yildizin Türk dünyasi ile çok yakindan ilgisi olup, Türklerin eski
damgalarindan birisidir. Osmanli çini sanatininda pek çok eseri
süsleyen bir yildizdir, ve en önemlisi Barbaros Hayrettin Pasanin
Amirallik Bayraginin üzerindeki yildizdir. Yani pek çok yönüyle Türk
kültürü asillidir. Buna ragmen bu sembol Türkler için kaybolmustur.
Her kes onu "Star of David" diye bilir. Internette arastirma
yaparsaniz, bu sembolun Yahudilere ait olmadigi açikca yazilmistir.
Durum böyle iken Türkün neden hiç sesi çikmaz?

Bilmem hatirlarmisiniz, Yugoslavia parçalanip Makedonya Cumhuriyeti
kuruldugu zaman, Grekler hem "Makedonya" adinin kullanilmasina karsi
çiktilar ve hem de Makedonyali Büyük Iskenderin bayragindaki "günes
sembolunun" Makedonyalilar tarafindan kullanilamiyacagini israrla
söylediler. Greklerin iddiasi, bu adin ve sembolun Grek kültürüne ait
oldugu idi ve dolayisiyle baska kimse kullanamazdi. Bu iddia dahi
tartisma götürür olmasina ragmen Grekler yine de "benim" diye israr
ettiler. Demek istedigim sudur ki çesitli Türk kültürü baskalari
tarafindan alindiginda Türkler neden sessiz kaliyorlar? Bu bir uyuma
degil mi? "Sari Gelin türküsü" için "bu bize ait olmayip ta
Ermenilere ait olsa ne çikar?" diyen zihniyetten ne zam kurtulur Türk?

Bu günkü Türk dünyasi 2000 sene evvelinden geriye dogru binlerce sene
öncesinde gelistirmis oldugu muhtesem Türk dünyasi ve o dünyanin
töreleri hakkinda hemen hemen herseyi unutmus veya unutturulmus
gibidir. Uzak geçmiste dünyaya din, dil ve medeniyet veren Türk
dünyasinin Sümerleri ve bence dünyanin en uzun ömürlü Türk devleti
olan eski Masar/Misir devletini Türklükten uzaklastiranlar simdi
baska emeller pesindedirler.

Bilinir ki kökünü kaybeden ot bir daha da kolay kolay yeseremez. Türk
milleti kökünü kaybederse kendi gelecegini ve kimligini tehlikeye
düsürür. Türkler sanli atalarindan bir grubu ve onlara ait olan bütün
töreleri baskalarina kaptirirsa neticede insanlik önünde çiplak kalir,
kültürsüz diye tanitilir ve baskalari tarafindan küçümsenir. Türk
dünyasi insaninin böyle bir duruma düsmemesi için bütün cedlerine
sahip çikmasi, "onlar Türktüler ve benim atalarimdi" diyerek gururla
onlara ve onlarin kültürlerine, hangi dinde olurlarsa olsun, sahip
çikmasi gerekir. Görülüyor ki onlarin çesitli dinlere karsi olan hos
görüleri kaypak ve yaniltici sözlerle sömürülmek istenmektedir.
Türk insaninin bu durumlarin bilincinde olmasina ve bu gibi
asirmalara hedef olan törelerinin korunmasinda uyanik olmasina
yardimci olur amaciyla sizlere o yazismalari sunuyorum.


Polat Kaya
Subject: Re: A new website
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:08:44 +0100
From: Polat Kaya <tntr@c...>
To: Kevin Brook <kbrook@p...>

Dear Kevin Brook:

This is in response to your e-mail dated Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:58:33
-0400 (EDT) and entitled "Re: A new website".

I do not find your "virus" explanation convincing. The initial e-mail
came from your email address to my email address. Since I have never
written to you before, why should you have my email address in your
system? Please remove it so that I do not get any more viruses or
worms or whatever messages from your system.

You said:

> Since you contacted me, I would like you to apologize for your anti-
Jewish remarks against my website's acknowledgement that the Khazars
converted to Judaism. I am a friend of Turks and do not "steal" from

This is an unwarranted assumption. It seems that you are either
confused or in the mood for playing tricks which I did not expect from
a person that writes history books and claims to be a scholar. First
you sent me a strange email, now you deny it and also come forward
with an absurd request for an apology for something I did not do.
You have to be kidding. Unquestionably we must be living in a
peculiar world.

I do not know what you are talking about. I have not made anti-Jewish
remarks nor do I apologise for my critism of your writings in your
website. You seem to be full of assumptions and hostility to accuse me
when you are the one who should be accused. If you really are a friend
of the Turks, which you claim to be and you should be, then you will
have to change your attitude, particularly your double-talking writing
style regarding the ancient Turks. Instead of getting carried away
with false assumptions about me, you should try to learn more about
the Turks.

Regarding some of the Khazar Turks being converted to Judaism is no
problem for me at all, however, misusing such a conversion for
unintended purposes becomes a problem. Since very ancient times,
Turks, in addition to their own celestial religion, have, sometimes,
acquired different religions that were influenced or derived from
their own ancient religion. However, it must be noted that following
a religious belief other than their own does not change a Turk's
identity. No matter what religion a Turk follows, he is still a Turk
and remains a Turk and his culture belongs to him. The same applies
to the Khazar Turks, only a limited numbers of whom were converted to
Judaism during their reign. However, such a limited conversion neither
makes their Turkish empire a "Jewish Empire" nor does it make all of
them "Jewish Khazars" as you portray. You imply a whole spectrum of
Khazar Turks being "Jewish" which is absolutely not true. You and also
some other writers have been using such terms very freely. You must
appreciate that what you write now will possibly be a reference for
future generations. After a few generations pass by, a writer will not
be around to explain what he/she wrote in the past, therefore, his/her
present writings must be clear, explicit and self explanatory so that
there will be no confusion in the future as there are presently due to
erroneous past writings.

You must understand that my opposition is to your style of rewriting
Turkish history and not against your people. My objections are
against your misleading references to the Turkish Khazar Empire as
being the "Jewish Khazars", "Jewish Empire", the "Jewish kings ruling
the eastern Europe", "the Great Jewish Cities of Central and Eastern
Europe" (which were all Turkish cities), "the local governors of
these cities and districts were usually Jewish" and many more similar
statements which push the Khazar Turks into being a phantom at the
background. The titles of your references enhance your claims as
well. So what is going on here regarding the Khazar Turks? Are some
coordinated efforts being directed towards obliterating the Khazar
Turks and their Turkish Empire from history so that some other group
can take over their magnificent heritage? It is obvious that
painting the "Khazar" name with double-meaning adjectives such
as "Jewish" or "Turkic" and not explicitly mentioning "Turk" paints a
clouded picture of the Turkishness of this Turkish empire. What is
also obvious is that this is an effort of intentional takeover of one
of the most important Turkish empires by a handful of ambitious
writers. You and a number of other writers use phrases of double
meanings which cannot be distingushed by the ordinary reader. When
you make such references in your text, you are making
misrepresentations and misleading the reader. I am sure you know and
speak English well enough to know how to be unambiguous in your
writings, that is, if you want to be.

If I recall correctly, you did say, in a letter to Mr. Mehmet Tutuncu,
that the Khazar culture belonged to the Jews rather than to the Turks.
This is quite a claim. You must remember that without the
magnanimity of the Khazar Turks, whom you seem to phantomise with
subtleties of your writings, you would have neither the Jewish
presence nor the Jewish culture in the Turkish Khazar Empire at a time
when Jews were being persecuted at many other places. So, please let
us not forget the source of who gave what to whom. Additionally, you
must not forget that Turks, who had the ancient ancestor worshipping
cult, are also very fond of their ancestors and the heritage that
they left behind. Thus only the present day Turkish peoples are the
owners of the legacies of their ancestors and it will be so as long
as Tur/Turk peoples are around.

So this is my point in this issue and it is the end of this

Best wishes,

Polat Kaya
Kevin Brook wrote:
> Dear Polat Kaya:
> I did not send any such email to you. There are viruses and worms
on the Internet which pick up people's email addresses from public
websites on the World Wide Web and then use a third-party's Microsoft
Outlook software to send out fake emails with no content, or
sometimes with a false .PDF or .HTM file, but only intriguing subject
lines without any actual message. Usually these emails are between
100K and 200K in size. But this kind of virus does not actually
infect the email address it stole, so there is nothing I can do on my
end to stop your receipt of such messages.
> Since you contacted me, I would like you to apologize for your anti-
Jewish remarks against my website's acknowledgement that the Khazars
converted to Judaism. I am a friend of Turks and do not "steal" from
> On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Polat Kaya wrote:
> > Hello kbrook,
> >
> > This is in response to your e-mail dated Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:12:03
> > +0300 in which you refer to a new website without given any > > >
> indication of what it is about and how to find it. Additionally,
> > you did not > > indicate whom you are talking to and neither you
> > signed your name. > > Can you be more visible and proper in your
> > communication? > >
> > Polat Kaya
> >
> >
> >
> > kbrook wrote:
> > >
> > > Part 1.1 Type: Hypertext Markup Language (text/html)
> > > Encoding: quoted-printable
> >

Subject: Re: Khazars mentioned repeatedly as Turks
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:10:44 +0100
From: Polat Kaya <tntr@c...>
To: Kevin Brook <kbrook@p...>

Dear Kevin Brook:

This is in response to your e-mail dated Thu, 18 Jul 2002 18:36:16
-0400 (EDT) and entitled "Khazars mentioned repeatedly as Turks".

I will respond to the first of your last two paragraphs first where
you are again attributing things to me that I have not said . You
have written:

"Because I never denied that Khazars were Turks, your accusations
against me 5 years ago have been proven totally false. Of course the
Israeli documentary emphasized the Jewish religion of the Khazars, so
what? Furthermore, your claim that Jews are backstabbing people who
are trying to trick Turks is also false."

1) First what you have indicated here is not my style of writing. I
don't write or make remarks like that. Other than my first paper to
TURKISTAN: NEWSLETTER some years ago regarding your website, I had
nothing to do with you at any time. This is the first time I am having
any communication with you after your recent two line e-mail. Yet you
attribute sayings to me that I have not said at all. I have given my
response to you in this regard in my first letter but let me just add
here that I really resent your baseless accusations and insinuations
and for that you owe me an apology.

Secondly, please do not be in such a hurry in dismissing the term
"Jewish" by saying "so what?" Let me begin with the term "Jewish" that
you use considerably in your website writings. To my knowledge, this
is the first time you indicate, privately in your letter to me, that
the term: ""Jewish" refers to the religion only". To my knowledge,
this you have not indicated in your website writings. Additionally,
this term may or may not mean so for you, but not so to the ordinary
reader. The term "Jewish" is the adjective form of the name "Jew"
meaning "OF OR PERTAINING TO JEWS". Thus, it implies anything and
everything to do with Jews including themselves. Hence, your view of
the term "Jewish" is not defined in the dictionaries as you indicate
it to mean "religion only". Therefore, the term is synonymous not
only with "being in the religion of Judaism" and many other things
related to the Jewish people, but also with the "Jewish people, that
is, the Jews" as well. Thus, the image you are presenting about the
Khazar Turks is very ambiguous and misleading. In fact probably a
very high percentage of your readers, after reading what you have
presented, will go away with the impression that: a) Khazars were
Jews; b) "Khazars were Jewish; c) Khazars were Turkic, and d) Khazars
were Turks. As you can see there is a lot of ambiguity and room for
confusion in such terminology. Such loose statements have the room
for obliteration of Turks, Turkish identity and Turkish culture. That
is why you need to be specific and/or explicit.

2) The second term that you seem to use a lot is the term "Turkic".
This English term refers to "those who speak Turkish language" who may
be the Turks themselves but also those non-Turks who may also speak
Turkish. Thus, again you are using another double edged terminology
that can be taken in any direction you wish. When someone questions
you about what do you mean by the term "Turkic", you may give any
explanation that suits your purpose. Accordingly, the term "Turkic
Khazars" can mean "Khazar Turks" to some knowledgable people, or
"Turkish speaking non-Turks" to some other people. Since you keep
calling them "Jewish Khazars", the reader will definitely think that
they were Turkish speaking Jews. Thus, again you have created an
atmosphere in which the Khazar Turks are liable to lose their Turkish
identity and for the present day Turks to lose one of their most
cherished ancestors. The Turkish Khazar Empire lasted about 800 years
with social standards as free, tolerant and democratic as any of the
so-called "democratically and socially developed countries of present
times". When Turks have served humanity in such a magnificent way, why
are they not identified with their Turkish identity and why is their
ancestry identified with the ancient Jewish people? When you use
double meaning terms in your writings, you are not only overtaking
Turkish heritage in a very subtle way, but you are also obliterating
the Turks and their history. This is not acceptable. Therefore, as a
writer, you must be very careful. If you are going to be a scholar and
write a book or essay about the ancient Khazar Turks and the refugee
Jews that the Khazar Turks accepted into their country as a safe haven
for them, you need to be very specific. You cannot use ambiguous
terms as you have done. This is objection I had then and I still

Just as you feel that your ancestors and their heritage are important
to you, so do the Turks feel about their ancestors, and their
ancestors' culture and heritage. In fact this is as important to the
Turks as life itself. Because once you remove a link from their
ancestorial roots, no matter what religion they may have had, you have
cut their lifeline to the past. No one has the right to do that.
This is what has been done to Turks in the writings of ancient media
since ancient times. This is not acceptable anymore.

Using your writings as a model, say in 200-300 years from now, another
XYZ comes along and writes another book calling it "The Jewish
Ottomans" or "Jewish Ottoman Empire" or the Muslim Arap Empire of
Ottomans or something similar thinking that there were Jews, Arabs,
and other groups in the Ottoman Empire and therefore it is OK to use
such terminology. Dont you think that would be an absurd and
misleading title for a book?

3) In your very last paragraph, you said: "The people you should
really have a problem with are those who suggest that Khazars were
Scythians or Lost Tribes of Israel or Circassians."

In this regard I agree with you about the suggestion of "Lost Tribes
of Israel or the Circassian". But I must highlight the so-called name
"Scythians" who were the ancient Turkish "SAKA" people. Their name
has also been distorted into "Scythians" this time by the ancient
Greeks. Hence, they have been called SCYTHIANS by western writers,
SAKA and/or ISKIT by some other writers. Thus the confusion has
lingered on. This confusion is part of the game of obliterating
Turkish ancestry from history. Once the name of the Turkish people in
question is changed and they are associated with some non-Turk
groups, the problem starts.

4) I visited your website once more after your first e-mail. I
cannot go through all of your writings as I do not have time for
that. But I have seen some important parts of it.

I see that you have made some improvements to your writings, but if
you dont mind my telling you, what you have done is not enough because
you are still following the same line of ambiguity. Let me indicate
some of them to you. You will never find a better critic or editor.
Here are some of your writings from your website and my comments. You

4.1) Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 650-1016

You write:

"Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish
kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe:
the Turkic Khazars."

This misleading statement seems to be intentionally slanted such that
any ordinary reader, who does not know the facts, will get the
impression that it was the Jewish people and their kings who
established such a great empire and ruled many peoples. Even the
structuring of your sentences adds to the confusion. You associate
"kings" with "Jewish" and "tribes" with the term "Turkic". While the
"Jewish" ones are being elevated to the level of kings, the Turks are
being put down to a tribe level. Yet there is no indication that in
actuality the kings and the rulers were the Turks. Your statement
would have been much more truthful if you had said, for example:


As you can see this would have been the truthful statement, yet yours
is not. You used all the double meaning words such as "Jewish",
"Turkic", "Jewish kings", etc., to push the Turks back into ambiguity
in their own empire while bringing a handful of guest Jews and Judaism
practising Hazar Turks to the forefront. This is not truthful history
writing. What kind of "a friend of Turks" which you claime tobe are
you? I am sure you know how to express things clearly and honestly
in the language that you write in. But you choose to manipulate the
reader by misleading verbology. This is very objectionable to the

Additionally, any religion, including Judaism, is just a "religious
belief", althought some beliefs are much more transparent than the
others. A Turk believing in any such "belief" does not lose his
Turkish identity. Thus, identifying Turks, ancient and present, with
their "religious affiliation" rather than with their ethnic identity
is a tactic of obliteration which has been perpetrated by many writers
for so long and most likely for hidden reasons.

Now if you want to write about the Khazar Turks and the Jewish
religion in that ancient Turkish state, you have to change your style.
If you are a friend of Turks, as you claim to be, then you have to be
truthful and not use slippery statements in your writings. Otherwise,
you are doing a disservice to the Turks and the Jewish people. Please
do not think that Turks are dumb and hence will not understand your
double cutting terminology.

4.2) The "TURKISH KHAZAR EMPIRE" is known as "T*RK HAZAR
IMPARATORLUGU" in Turkish. Yet you have indicated their name as "The
Medieval Turkic-Jewish Kaganate of KHAZARIA". In other words, your
title translates as follows: "TURKISH SPEAKING JEWISH KAGANATE OF
KHAZARIA". This title with such a meaning is a gross misnomer. By
doing such verbal manipulations you have obliterated a whole 800 years
of Turkish history from the face of the earth and attributed that
magnificent history to a minority group of Jewish refugees who were
given safe haven from their persecution elsewhere. Is that fair
history writing in your view? Additionally, religion identifying
adjectives should not be attached to the name of Turkish peoples.
Religion identifying adjectives should not replace the ethnicity of
Turkish people (e.g., the Turks of Russia from 200 years ago onwards
have been referred to as the Moslems of Russia which of course
obliterates their ethnicity and makes phantoms out of them). Are you
trying to do the same thing?

4.3) You write in the continuation of the same paragraphs:

"After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal
names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues
and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah,
Pesach, and the Sabbath. The Khazars were an advanced civilization
with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval period. It
hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe. On these pages it is
hoped that you may learn more about this fascinating culture."

Now I will comment on the above.

a) After the conversion of some Khazar Turks to Judaism, some Khazar
Turks could have taken "Jewish" names, including some of the hakans,
but not all Khazars did it. Thus, your all-sweeping statement is

b) After the conversion of some Khazar Turks to Judaism, some may
have spoken and written in Hebrew in addition to their own Turkish
language. This is also normal. But it does not mean that they gave
up altogether their language, old religion and culture in exchange for
Hebrew and Jewish culture as implied by your statement. Your
statement would apply to the incoming guests Jews who were already
reading and writing in Hebrew. But applying the same statement to all
Khazar Turks throught the Turkish Khazar Empire as sweepingly as you
have done is very misleading and not truthful.

Your statement also implies that the Khazar Turks learned to read and
write only after converting to Judaism. Nothing can be further from
the truth as you yourself have indicated, but rather obscurely, that
the Khazar Turks were part of the Celestial G*k Turks whose writings
have been preserved on stone to present times. So the Khazar Turks
did not learn how to read and write after the conversion of some of
them to Judaism. Let us not give misleading information to the
readers. Additionally, writing is an invention of the Turanian
Tur/Turk peoples, although historians would like to ignore this fact.
For that reason alone, many of the Tur/Turk peoples knew how to read
and write. Hence, Turks have written in many forms of lettering.

c) The statement that "After their conversion, the Khazar people were
circumcised" is also questionable. It is most likely that Turks did
not learn the custom of circumcision from the Jews or the Arabs. Most
likely they did it because of their own ancient Celestial Sky-God

d) Your statement that "After their conversion, the Khazar people had
synagogues and rabbis" is another open ended statement that needs
further explanation. Of course one would find synagogues and rabbis
in Khazaria after the arrival of guest Jews and also after some Khazar
Turks converted to Judaism since there would then be a need for them.
However, this applied only to a limited number of people, not so
sweepingly as you imply. This was possible because of the great
tolerance of Khazar Turks towards other religions.

Your statement also implies that the Khazar Turks learned to pray in a
temple only after their conversion to Judaism. This is again
misleading. The Khazar Turks, being part of the celestial G*k-Turks,
is an indication that they were believers of the Celestial God whom
they also worshiped in the temples as well as in open areas and the
tops of mountains. The ancient trinity Sky-God (Tengri) of Turanians,
i.e., the Father-Sky-God, Sun-God and Moon-God religion, was the
universal religion of the Turanian Tur/Turk peoples. They built
temples and pyramids for their ancient religion at least since the
time of the Sumerians in spite of the denials of writers of history of
the ancient world. A people such as the Khazar Turks with such a
cultural background would not need to learn temple building or temple
going from the Jewish people who introduced some of the Khazar Turks
to Judaism. After all, the so-called ancient ziggurats were the temple
complexes of the Turanian peoples in the Middle East.

e) Your statement that ""After their conversion, the Khazar people
studied the Torah" also needs explanation. The name "TORAH/TORA/T/RE"
is a Turkish word meaning LAW, SOCIAL RULES and ANCIENT TRADITIONS.
The religious and the social culture of ancient Turks are expressed
with the word TORA/T/RE. Thus Turks did not have to learn
"TORA/T/RE/TORAH" from the Jews. In fact it is the other way around.
When you say that they studied TORAH, actually Turk Khazars were
studying their own "laws" and "traditions" called "TORA/T/RE", and
not necessarily the so-called "TORAH" of Jews. You see that again you
have a very ambiguous statement which in one hand doesn not even
mention the existence of the Turkish "TORA/T/RE", but on the other
hand, brings forward the "TORAH", which has the same linguistic
morphology and context as the Turkish TORA/T/RE. This again
misleads the unsuspecting reader. What must be understood here is
that the word "TORAH" has its roots in the ancient Turkish
word "TORA/T/RE".

With regards to the "TORA/T/RE/TORAH", in one of your paragraphs you
write: "In the capital city, the Khazars established a supreme court
composed of 7 members, and every religion was represented on this
judicial panel (according to one contemporary Arab chronicle, the
Khazars were judged according to the Torah, while other tribes were
judged according to other laws)."

Here again you are making use of the double identity of the Turkish
ancient traditions called Tora/Torah/T*re which also provides the name
and the source for the "Torah". You and your readers should know that
all ancient Turs/Turks were judged in accordance with their own
Tora/Torah/T*re, that is, their ancient traditional laws. Without
this knowledge, you give the impression that it was the Jewish "Torah"
by which all other people of Khazaria were judged implying that the
culture was brought to the Khazar Turks by the Jewish people. This is
still playing games with words of the same structure. Yet you utilize
this Turkish word so conveniently for your own purpose without
explaning the full facts. You seem to give half-truths mixed with
half non-truths rather than the full truth. Some very ancient books
have also been written in this fashion and have misled many readers.

f) Yes the KHAZAR TURKS were an advanced civilization with one of the
most tolerant societies of the medieval period. Yes the KHAZAR TURKS
hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe. But the KHAZAR TURKS
were all of these, not because of their conversion to Judaism, but
because of their own celestial religion which has been deceptively
renamed as "shamanism", "paganism", "heathenism", etc.. Turs/Turks
have always been tolerant towards other non-Turk peoples and their
religions. The Khazar Turks' "tolerance" does not come from the
conversion of some of them to Judaism as you imply, but rather from
their own very tolerant and very ancient celestial religion. A very
recent example of this Turkish tolerance has also been amply
demonstrated to the world by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Jewish
friends of Turks will know this very well.

So you see, in only few paragraphs of your writing, I indicated so
many things that are wrong, misleading and/or misrepresenting. In
fact you, in a very subtle way, have belittled the Khazar Turks to
the level of uncivilized nomads before some of them were converted
to Judaism. For this alone you owe an apology to the Khazar Turks
who have been so generous to the Jewish people of their times . My
bringing all of these important points to your attention should be

4.4) One of your subtitles reads as follows:

"The Khazars: A European Experiment in Jewish Statecraft"

This is another one of your misleading titles. A total
misrepresentation. What does the name "European" have to do
with the Turkish Khazars"? Why is it "The Khazars: A European
Experiment in Jewish Statecraft" but not "A European experiment
in Turkish Statecraft"? After all it was the Turks who founded
the Turkish Khazar Empire before Jewish refugees were ever
accepted into their country. Hence, the Khazar Turks already
knew how to found, lead and rule a Turkish state on their own
without the help of the guest Jews. Throughout history, Turks
have always been "empire builders". In view of this fact, you
are grossly misleading the readers with the notion that in this
Turkish Khazar Empire, Turks learned how to run their state from the
so-called "Jewish Statecraft". Neither the Turkish tolerance to
other peoples nor their knowledge of statecraft take their roots from
"Jewish statecraft" as you are implying. It comes from their own
very ancient culture.

4.5) You write:

"The Khazar people were an unusual phenomenon for Medieval times.
Surrounded by savage and nomadic tribes, they had all the advantages
of the developed countries: structured government, vast and prosperous
trading, and a permanent army. At the time, when great fanatism and
deep ignorance contested their dominion over Western Europe, the
Khazar state was famous for its justice and tolerance. People
persecuted for their faiths flocked into Khazaria from everywhere. As
a glistening star it shone brightly on the gloomy horizon of Europe,
and faded away without leaving any traces of existence."

This statement of yours would have been truthfull and fair if you had
said, for example:

"The TURKISH Khazar people were an unusual phenomenon for Medieval
times. Surrounded by savage and nomadic tribes [whom do you have
in mind?], they had all the advantages of the developed countries:
structured government, vast and prosperous trading, and a permanent
army. At the time, when great fanatism and deep ignorance contested
their dominion over Western Europe, the TURKISH Khazar state was
famous for its justice and tolerance. People persecuted for their
faiths flocked into the TURKISH State of Khazaria from everywhere. As
a glistening star it shone brightly on the gloomy horizon of Europe,
and faded away without leaving any traces of existence."

Instead of being clear about the Turkish identity of the Khazar Empire
as I indicate above, you chose to be obscure about their identity.
After all, persecuted people were not attracted to the State of
Khazaria because of the Judaism in this Turkish state, but rather to
the social justice and fairness associated with the Turks of the
Turkish Khazar empire. Similarly, many people flocked to the social
justice, laws and fairness of the Turkish Ottoman Empire as also
happened with the other Turkish empires.

4.6) You write:

"Though the Jews were everywhere a subject people, and in much of the
world persecuted as well, Khazaria was the one place in the medieval
world where the Jews actually were their own masters.... To the
oppressed Jews of the world, the Khazars were a source of pride and
hope, for their existence seemed to prove that God had not completely
abandoned His people."

Yet you would have been fair, gracious and also correct if you had

"Though the Jews were everywhere a subject people, and in much of the
world persecuted as well, THE TURKISH STATE OF KHAZARIA was the one
place in the medieval world where the Jews actually were their own
masters.... To the oppressed Jews of the world, the Khazar TURKS were
a source of pride and hope, for their existence seemed to prove that
God had not completely abandoned His people."

That is how you should have remembered this magnanimous Turkish people
who were unusually just to all of their subject peoples at such an
ancient time, rather than conveniently forgetting to associate the
name TURK with Khazaria. Remember that Turks also feel very proud of
their Turkish ancestry and heritage and they like to see their name
mentioned where required. Incidentally, the term KHAZARIA is from
Turkish "KHAZAR-/Y" and is a Turkish term meaning "The House of
Khazars" or "The Land of Khazars" in Turkish.

Additionally, why do you keep referring to the Jews as God's people?
In your view, are non-Jew people not God's people? Why should God
have been any different to Jews than the rest of His other peoples
that He created. A just God does not favour one group over any
other. In the eyes of a just God, all of His creations are equal.
What you are wrongly implying is that the Jews are somehow God's
people but the rest of humanity is not. This notion of yours is not
only racist but has nothing to do with reality.

4.7) You write:

"The history of Khazaria presents us with a fascinating example of how
Jewish life flourished in the Middle Ages. In a time when Jews were
persecuted thruout Christian Europe, the kingdom of Khazaria was a
beacon of hope. Jews were able to flourish in Khazaria because of the
tolerance of the Khazar rulers, who invited Byzantine and Persian
Jewish refugees to settle in their country."

Yet your statement would have been fair and correct if you had said:

"The history of TURKISH Khazaria presents us with a fascinating
example of how Jewish life flourished in the Middle Ages. In a time
when Jews were persecuted throughout Christian Europe, the TURKISH
KHAZAR EMPIRE was a beacon of hope for them. Jews were able to
flourish in Khazaria because of the tolerance of the TURKISH KHAZAR
RULERS, who ACCEPTED THE FLEEING Byzantine and Persian Jewish refugees
to settle in their country."

As you will appreciate "ACCEPTING REFUGEES" who were persecuted in
their original land of habitation "TO SETTLE IN THE TURKISH KHAZAR
EMPIRE LANDS" is not exactly the same as the Khazar Turks'"INVITING
THEM". They have different meanings although it does not matter for
the Turks. Because Turks are the kind of people who have always
stretched out a helping hand to those who were in need of it.

Additionally, you must note that by the time these Jewish refugees
arrived in the lands of Khazar Turks, the Turkish Khazar Empire had
already been founded by Turks and was in perfect functioning order.
No outsiders brought "statecraftsmanship" to the Turkish Khazar State.
After all the Khazar Turks also had the same Turkish cultural
background as the Turkish G*k-T*rk Empire. That is to say, they had
all the knowledge they needed for statehood and governing people.

4.8) You said:

"Origins. The Khazars were a Turkic people who originated in Central
Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is
believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the
Mongol conquests."

First of all, you should have said that "THE KHAZARS WERE TURKISH
PEOPLE", rather than "TURKIC PEOPLE" which would make your statement
correct. Secondly, by introducing the reddish component of the hair
of some of the Turkish people, and quite a few Turks fall in that
category, it seems that you are trying to introduce further confusion
into the ethnicity and the linguistic and cultural uniformity of the
Turks. I wonder if this is another attempt to obliterate the ancient
Turkish people.

4.9) You say:

"In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a
Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism,
Islam, and Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled
in cities and towns thruout the north Caucasus and Ukraine. The
Khazars had a great history of ethnic independence extending
approximately 800 years from the 5th to the 13th century."

This statement of yours requires explanation because again it is
playing on words. First of all the term "nomadic" is a misleading and
put-down term. Implied in the term "nomadic" by the so-called
"scholars" is the meaning that a "nomadic" people had no land of their
own, no customs of their own; they go from place to place without
having any cultural contribution of thier own and are trying to attach
themselves to some place. Surely there must have been some wanderer
peoples in that category, but Turks were not one of them. The
ancestors of Turks have always had their own lands, empires, cities
and rich culture that fills todays museums of the world. Additionally
your stating that: "Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and
Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled in cities
and towns thruout the north Caucasus and Ukraine" is totally false.
Those cities of Khazaria that you have called by the title: "The
Great Jewish Cities of Central and Eastern Europe" were actually
built, run and administered by the Khazar Turks, Bulgar Turks,
Chuvash Turks, Tatar Turks and other Turks. Yet in your statement,
you have turned the table around and portrayed the Turks in a dark
light as being "nomads" who became settled in the cities after their
conversion to these religions. Nothing can be further from the truth.
You cannot get this kind of people to turn out to be the masters of so
many other peoples some of whom may falsely think that they were
the ones who gave civility to the Khazar Turks.

4.10) In the map of the Turkish Khazar Empire that you label as
"Khazaria" (i.e., again omitting the word "Turkish"), you have stamped
it with the star symbol that present day Israel uses as their state
emblem; hence, you have associated this ancient Turkish State with
present day Israel. This is a total misrepresentation of the Turkish
Khazar Empire.

By this very subtle misrepresentation, the Turkishness of the Turkish
state of Khazaria is conveniently obliterated and that very same
Turkish state is transferred to Jewish people. This is not a truthful
representation. Additionally, that star is another one of the Turkish
"damgas" used in ancient times. Not only that, there are so many
Turkish historical decorations that use this star in Turkish
monuments. On top of that, it was also on the flag of Turkish admiral
Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa in the 16 th century. So you see, this emblem
is very much part and parcel of Turkish culture. In spite of this,
not only have you claimed ownership of this emblem for the Jewish
people but you have also implanted it on top of the empire territory
of the Turkish Khazar Empire. Yet the Khazar Turks had a different
emblem that is not present in your Khazaria site.

You say that the artifact carrying the so-called "Star of David" found
at Khazar sites is "interpreted by Professor Bozena Werbart of Umea
University as Jewish but seen by others as shamanistic and pagan".
This statement of yours in actuality and straight forward language
means that the symbol belongs to the so-called shamanist and pagan
Turks. As I indicated above, Turks had them as Turkish damgas and on
Turkish tiles and flags etc. and many other objects.

4.11) At the top of the Khazaria front page, you have put three
symbols side by side in a picture. The middle symbol is the Turkish
Cosmic tree and the national emblem of the Turkish Chuvash people but
this has not been indicated by you. The star at the right is again
the six sided Turkish star damga with ancient Turkish colours
embelleshing the inside. This Turkish star is associated with present
day Israel but as I have explained to you, this is actually a Turkish
symbol. And the left symbol is an ancient Canaanite symbol. Yet you
are so silent about the origins of these symbols. They need to be
clearly explained. Without the explanation, this top picture on your
front page is very misleading and erroneous.

4.12) You wrote:


"Sarkel's fortress was one of Khazaria's most important, serving both
as a defensive structure and a trading caravan stopover. Includes
images of the layout of the fortress, a bronze warrior figurine,
pottery, jewelry, bricks, and other objects. "

You keep referring to one of the Khazar Empire's fortresses as the
Khazar fortress "SARKEL". Yet the Turkish name is "SARIKALE" meaning
Yellow or white Fortress. As you can see the name "Sarkel" is
distorted so much that it cannot be recognized as Turkish anymore, but
rather looks like someting else with an "el" ending. Is this a
coincidence? Why do you have to change Turkish names into formats
that are not recognizable as Turkish anymore?

4.13) You have shown a word written in Turkish Runes and you have
indicated its meaning as "I HAVE READ [IT]". How come you did not
indicate in any form that the word was the pure Turkish word "OKURUM"
meaning "I READ"? This also leaves the reader in the dark.

4.14) You have shown an artifact which you call the "Slavic"
necklaces from Sarkel, 9th century, yet the printing at the upper
right hand corner of your picture says: "PREHISTORIC ART, The Turki,
Khazars, Bulgarians, Polovtsy, and Pereshchepina Treasure". Yet all
those names that appear in this quotation are names describing Turkish
peoples. But you labelled the necklace as "Slavic" necklace. Why the
misrepresentation? Additionally, when all those names are separated
by commas with a leading "Turki" name, it appears to the unsuspecting
reader that the others are not Turkish. Yet they are all Turkish
peoples and the treasures are Turkish treasures. They should have
been labelled so.

You see, my friend, I can go on and on regarding many aspects of your
website but this should be sufficient to demonstrate my point. Now if
you correct and explain these items as I have indicated, plus others
that need to be corrected in order to be unambiguous, you might have a
credible source about that GREAT Turkish Khazar Empire and the Jewish
people who were accepted to live there in peace and harmony.

As I have stated my views on this matter quite clearly, I do not want
to, and will not, carry on this discussion any further. Once again, I
am not against Jewish people. I am against misleading and
misrepresentation, wherever it may come from.

Best wishes,

Polat Kaya

Kevin Brook wrote:
> Dear Polat Kaya:
> Let me just add that I repeatedly mention that the Khazars were a
Turkic > people. I do not suggest anywhere that they were an
Israelite people.
> When I say "Jewish", "Jewish" refers to the religion only. Since
1995 I always refer to the Khazar Turkic Shamanism, Khazar Turkic
Calendar, Khazar Turkic Amulets, Khazar Turkic Language, Khazar
Turkic Governmental
> System, and Khazar Turkic Ethnic Origins at many parts of my
website and my other writings. This is why your attack on me in 1997
was unjustified. Even in my abbreviated description of Ehud Ya'ari's
documentary I said that Khazars wrote in Turkic runic letters.
> Months ago, I added the following content to
> << 1. Many medieval writers attested to the Khazars' Turkic origins
including Theophanes, al-Masudi, Rabbi Yehudah ben Barzillai,
Martinus Oppaviensis, and the anonymous authors of the Georgian
Chronicle and Chinese chronicle T'ang-shu. The Arabic writer al-
Masudi in Kitab at-Tanbih wrote: "...the Khazars... are a tribe of
the Turks." (cited in Peter Golden, Khazar Studies, pp. 57-58). T'ang-
shu reads: "K'o-sa [Khazars]... belong to the stock of the Turks."
(cited in Peter Golden, Khazar Studies, p. 58). In his Chronographia,
Theophanes wrote: "During his [Byzantine emperor Heraclius] stay
there [in Lazica], he invited the eastern Turks, who are called
Chazars, to become his allies." (cited in Theophanes, The Chronicle
of Theophanes Confessor, translated by Cyril Mango and Roger Scott,
1997, p. 446). The claim that the Khazars were Scythians is
completely without merit. >>
> I also have the statement << The Khazars were a Turkic people who
originated in Central Asia >> and << . In the beginning, the Khazars
believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were
nomadic >> and << Kiev is a Turkic place name >> and << The Khazars'
dual-monarchy was a Turkic system under which the kagan was the
supreme king and the bek was the civilian army leader >> And
statements like those existed at my website since it opened in May
> I also list the Turkic names of Khazars at
> I am also a supporter of your important research on Turkic
shamanism and symbolism such as the worship of the sun and stars.
And I always included KHAZARIA as a Turkic nation at my directory at
> Because I never denied that Khazars were Turks, your accusations
against me 5 years ago have been proven totally false. Of course the
Israeli documentary emphasized the Jewish religion of the Khazars, so
what? Furthermore, your claim that Jews are backstabbing people who
are trying to trick Turks is also false.
> The people you should really have a problem with are those who
suggest that Khazars were Scythians or Lost Tribes of Israel or
> Best wishes,
> Kevin Brook