Re: [bcn2004] Re: The ancient name of the city of "ROME" was "KIZIL ALMA"

Kardesim Kamil,

Takdirkar sözlerin için tesekkür ederim. Sagol Kamil!. Gerek yerin altinda ve gerekse Batinin mahzenlerinde gizlice sakli belgeler içinde olasilikla eski Turan dünyasindan kalma Atalarimizin yarattigi sayisiz harikalar var. Onlari gün isigina çikarmak bizlerin atalarimiza olan bir borcu. Bu ugrasida küçük bir katkim bile olsa bu beni çok mutlu eder.

ALGONQUIAN konusu simdilik listemde degil. Sirasi geldiginde elbetteki bildiklerimi söylemeye çalisacagim.

Sana ve bütün okuyucularima iyi sagliklar ve mutluluklar diliyorum.

Sevgi ile,

Polat Kaya

Kamil KARTAL wrote:

Polat Agam, ATAM!

Ben boyle bir yazi daha okumadim, diyecegim ama bu defa BILGAMESH'lere ULUKORGOZ'lere, TURKISH ERA'lara haksizlik edecegim, hangi birini sayayim!

Hepsi birbirinden guzel ve olaganustu yazilar tabii ama "Pantheon vs. Yurt" ile baslayan dizinin hem sonu pek gelmeyecek gibi gorunuyor hem de yeri cok bir ayri olmus. Kazdikca daha kim bilir nelerle karsilasacagiz.

Bunlari en genis kitlelere ulastirmayi kendime bir gorev bildim, malumunuz, ama bu bilgiler ve bu kadar hazir, bu kadar lezzetli sekilde ayaklarina kadar ulastigi halde onlari hala daha okuyamayanlar adina da gercekten uzuluyorum.

Sizden bir istirhamim olacak, aman lutfen ALGONQUIAN icin bizleri cok bekletmeyin!

Kardesiniz Kamil



After publishing my paper regarding the relation between the Pagan temple of "Pantheon" in Rome and the ancient Turanian Yurts, a new situation suddenly came to the surface. As I was trying to find some information about the poem "KIZIL ELMA" by the famed Turkish poet philosopher Ziya Gökalp, I was amazed by the information that I found in my Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary, [1] It defined KIZIL ELMA as being: "a) a legendary Turkish land in Central Asia, and b) in ancient times, the name of the city of Rome."

This is an eye opener indeed! It indicates that not only was the name "ROME" or "ROMA" not the real name of this ancient city, but its real name was in Turkish in the form of "KIZIL ALMA" meaning "Golden Apple" or "Red Apple". Evidently the British writers of the Redhouse Turkish – English dictionary knew much more about ancient "ROME" than the public at large. Particularly, the Romans or the Latins and/or the Catholic Church officials know much more about the city's real ancient name - but they never told the truth about it to the public. As usual everything about them is in deep secrecy. That is, how they have been operating for the last 2,000 years or more. In fact they intentionally kept the original name of Rome secret.

The name ROMA (ROME), related to Turkish word "ARAMA" meaning "wandering", is very much a name of the ancient wandering peoples (gypsies) who had no civilization of their own except usurping and secrecy. Whenever they wanted to takeover a Turanian country, first they infiltrated into the state borders with peaceful looking means such as setting up commercial selling stations in a corner of the country. After all, selling was their forte. On the surface, these selling stations look very innocent, i.e., a simple buy and sell station, but below the surface, it is really a penetration by an untrustable outsider into the country. Once the outsider has established his organization for future activities, then at the opportune time, they seize the control of the country. Then they exterminate or assimilate the native peoples of the land, they then change previous names into a broken up language and finally call this ‘new civilization’ as their own as if there was no civilization before them.

Evidently this is what happened in the case of the ancient town of "ROMA" or "KIZIL ELMA" which was originally built by the Turanian Etruscan kings. Of course, the Turkish name "KIZIL ELMA" meaning "Golden Apple" or "Red Apple" given to a newly founded city is very meaningful because the name has connections to the name of the Sky-God in accordance with the ancient Turanian tradition of naming the capital cities. Etruscans, being Turanian peoples, must have named their new city similarly after their ancient Sky-God. This I intend to explore in this writing. After this new revelation, I did some additional research about the old name of Rome. One book by an author named Frank J. Korn writes in his book, entitled "A Catholic's Guide to Rome: Discovering the Soul of the Eternal City" (also called "The Hidden Rome")-Page 7:

"The Eternal City of? Rome. Many names such as "The Eternal City, City of seven Hills, City of the Caesars, City of Popes, See of Peter, and others. A little tradition holds that Romulus and the other founding fathers took the secret of the city's original name with them to their graves. It seems that for identification purposes they agreed to let the city be called Rome after Romulus, its first king, while not disclosing the actual name they had chosen. Only the Pontifex Maximus, Chief priest, was permitted to pronounce the sacred name and this only before an altar while offering sacrifice and in such a low whisper so as to render it inaudible to those in attendance. It was considered the gravest of sacrileges, punishable by death on a cross, for anyone to divulge the nomen verum. We learn these things from Pliny the elder."

First of all Romulus was not the founding father of the city. It was the Etruscan TARQUIN kings that founded the city and ruled for a hundred years before they lost the city to so-called "Romans".

Furthermore to keep this ancient city's name secret puts into focus the fact that the original city did not belong to the so-called people of "Latins" or to those who renamed the city as ROMA (ROME) for identification purposes. Just as car thieves change the color and serial number of a stolen car and then register it as their own, those who took the city from the original Etruscans changed all things related to its original Turanian identity and called it their own city. Evidently, this was the most developed tradition of these wandering peoples and they did it with professional skill. This kind of secrecy keeps popping up all the time as Dan Brown and others have indicated in their books.

Ataullah Bogdan Kopanski in his writing entitled "Islamization of Shqeptaret: the Clash of Religions in Medieval Albania" at url: writes:

"The 'news' and descriptions of the Christian lands were very crucial for the Muslim emirs of Asia Minor who wished to reach the land of legendary Kizyl Alma ('Red Apple), identified sometimes with the copper-covered dome of the Church of Hagia Sofia in Constantinople, and sometimes with the 'apple' over the basilic of St.Peter in Vatican."

It is very interesting that the domes of Hagia Sofia and St, Peter’s Basilica should be identified with the name "KIZIL ELMA". As I have already shown, the domes of these buildings are symbolization of the Sun and the Sky-Dome. The Domes of these churches and even many others being "RED" (KIZIL) and "ROUND" makes them metaphorically "KIZIL ELMA". "KIZIL ELMA" literally means "Golden Apple" or "Red Apple" but symbolizes the Sun God, the Moon God and the hunam head.

Let us dwell a bit on the name "KIZIL ALMA" and see if we can trace the reason why the city would be called KIZIL ALMA or something similar to it. For the Turks the name KIZIL ELMA in one meaning, signifies the old glory of the TURAN, that is, the Central Asia and the ancient Turanians. It means the Altai mountains, the Tanri Mountains and the rest of it. The ancient name KIZIL ALMA meant "Golden Apple" and/or "Red Apple" representing the ancient Turanian Sun-Moon (AL-MA) and Sky (GÖK) based religion which traditionalized the advocasy of justice and peace for all peoples and the Turanian civilization that created many peerless advancements for humanity.

The name was embodied in the city names such as "ALMATI" in Central Asia which was the capital city (Tepe Kent, Bas Kent) of Kazakistan up until recently when it was changed to a new site at the north of the country. The name "ALMATI" in one meaning means "It is apple". In the other form of "AL-MA-ATA", it means the "SUNMOON-FATHER" which signifies the religious concepts of the ancient Turanian "Sun-God (Gün-Tanri), the Moon-God (AY-Tanri) and the Sky-Father-God" (Gök- ATA-Tanri). Turkish "AL", like "KIZIL", means "red". Kizil also means "gold, golden". Thus "AL" or "KIZIL" is a Turkish adjective describing the "SUN", that is, the sun at sunrise and sun at sunset. Normally the Sun looks golden (yellow) but during sunrise and sunset, it appears red. The ancient Turkish word MA means "magnificent and Moon" as an alternative name for Turkish "AY". ATA means "father" or "ancestor" and is a name of the Sky-Father God as the Creator Father.

This ancient Turanian religion was a universal religion followed all over the world by Turanians wherever they went. The city of ROME being referred to as "KIZIL ELMA" is significant, because the city was originally built by the Turanians and was taken over by the wandering groups so-called "Latins" where even the name "LATIN" is suspicious. But before the city of "ROME", there was another Turanian capital city called "ALBA LONGA" in its altered form within 19 kilometers of the City of Rome.

With this entry we learn that the ancient and older name of ROME was ALBA LONGA or more likely KIZIL ALMA (Red Apple or Golden Apple) before it was converted into ROME.

About the name "ALBA LONGA"

In Cassell’s Latin-English Dictionary, there is the following definition under the name ALBA. [2]

"ALBA, ALBAE, ALBA LONGA, the oldest Latin town. Adjective , ALBANUS –A, -UM,
Alban; ALBENSES populi, people of Latium. 1. ALBANI, see Alba. 2. ALBANI or
ALBANÖRUM, the Albanians; ALBANIa –ae, a country on the west of the Caspian;
ALBANUS, Albanian".

The Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary gives the following [3]:

"Albania, ancient country of East Caucasus region on west side of Caspian. – Albanian SHQYP’NIE or SHQIPENIA independent state, west Balkan , between Yugoslavia and Greece, capital TIRANA."

Regarding the country "Albania at the west of Caspian Sea", this is a rather vague way of describing a country. What they really mean is the Turkish country Azerbaijan but they don’t want to say it – so they beat around the bush and describe it as a country west of Caspian.

The second name Albanian identified as a Balkan country is also identified with other names of SHQYP’NIE, SHQIPENIA and SHQIPERIA. The name SHQIPENIA seems to be made up of the Turkish words: "SHQY + BEN + IA", that is, "ISHIK + BEN + ÖY" (BEN ISIK ÖYÜ) meaning "I am the home of light". This is understandable when we consider the fact that the ancient Turanians irrespective of where they were, would believe in the same deity system, that is, the Sun-god (ALGÜN), Moongod (ALA AY), the supreme Sky-Father-God (AL-TANRI, L TANRI) and the sunlight without which the whole world would be left in total darkness and quickly frozen into solid ice in the unliveable environment of cold dark space.

We have from url: the following Albanian words that are alternative to the name Albania: "Shqipenie, Shqiperia, Shqiperija, Shqiperise, Shqipni, Shqipnija, Shqiponies, Shqiprari, Shqyptare: (Alb.) Albania."

For example when the name SHQIPERIA is rearranged as "PIR-ESHQ-IA", it is seen to be a restructured and disguised form of the Turkish expression "BIR ISHIQ ÖYÜ" meaning "it is one home of light" or "it is home of Sun". Of course this is equivalent to the word ALBANIA which is a form of the Turkish expression "AL ABA HANI" meaning "Home of Red Father" which again refers to the red/golden Sun. This also relates the ancient ALBANIA located at west of the Caspian sea with the ALBANIA in the Balkans. Evidently they were both Turkish speaking peoples at one time in the past before they were alieneated by changing their names Somehow their Turkish identity and names were changed under persecution and/or duress conditions.

Furthermore, the Latin word "ALBANUS" referring to the people of ALBA LONGA, that is, the people of LATIUM, also ties this people to the red/golden Sun worshipping Turanians and the ancient country of Albania in the Caucasus.

The Latin term ALBANUS, describing Albanians, in the form of "AL-BUS-AN" is a form of the Turkish expression "AL BASh AN" (KIZIL BASh AN) where AN suffix has two meanings: in one it means "sky" and in the other, it is the ancient Turkish "plurality suffix corresponding to present "LER, LAR" suffix. The Turkish term "AL BASh AN" (KIZIL BASh AN) means:

a) "RED or Golden Head of Sky" which refers to the Sun and the Moon in the sky, and,

b) "AL BAShLAR" (KIRMIZI BASLAR, KIZIL BASLAR, ALEVLILER) meaning people who believed in the "golden heads" of sky, and therefore, wore some red headdress in order to identify themselves with the trinity "AL" deities, that is, the "AL TANRI" concept (i.e., Red or Golden God). It is an Anatolian cultural fact that native Tur/Turk Anatolians always had a "red headdress" to identify their religious beliefs, and even the roofs of their homes were made with red bricks. This is just like some religious groups who wear "black" to identify their belief in a "black" god concept. The Islamic religious men (molla) wear a white headdress with red embellishment in the center. Additionally, during the Ottoman Empire, people of the same Islamic faith wore a red (al)-head-dress called "fez".

The present day "Cardinals" of the Christian church in Rome dress themselves in "red" and "purple". This is not coincidence, because Christianity took all of its tenets from the traditions of the ancient Turanians, such as the Etruscans and ALBA LONGAns.

In the above definitions the west of the Caspians Sea is also called an ancient land of Albania. From url: we learn that the ancient Caucasian Albania also included the Karabag region of Azerbaijan. The Caucasian Albania was also called "Artsakh". It is a well known fact that these lands have always been the lands of Turanians. With this entry, the name ALBA LONGA (and the name ALBANIA) and the Turanians on the west side of the Caspian sea are connected to each other. The name ALBANIA is also the name of a Balkan country whose capital city is TIRANA or TIRANË.

It is curious that the name TIRANA or TIRANË, in one sense, is very much the Turkish expresion "TANRI ÖY" meaning "God’s Home" and in another sense, is the Turkish "TURAN ÖY" meaning "Turan home". This identifies the reason why Albanians and the Ottoman Turks were so close to each other and they still are close. The name TIRANA, having the names of TANRI and TURAN embedded in it, is a reference to the Turanian identity of the Albanians. Could it be that the Balkan state Albania is a continuation of the ancient country ALBANIA in eastern Caucasus?

It is said that the city of ALBA LONGA near Rome was razed to the ground completely at 665 B.C. [4] by the Romans after a battle between the ROMANS of Rome and the "LATINS" of ALBA LONGA indicating that the "ROMANS" and "LATINS" were not the same people. In this context, the so-called name "ROMAN" is very much the name "RUM" while the "LATINS" of Latium were the ancient Turanian peoples from Altais. It must also be noted that the name LEBANON is also related to the name BAAL, ALBA, ALMA, ALABA, ALBANIA, ALBAShLAR, ALÖYLER, ALOYLAR, ALEVILER, ALERIAN indicating that they were all related people. LEBANONIAN who are the remnants of ancient so-called "PHOENICIANS" had nothing to do with the Semitic peoples. Phoenicians by another name TRYIANS (TURLAR) clearly indicates that they were TUR/TURK peoples. It is curious that presently the country of Lebanon is also being intentionally destroyed by the Semites with the consent of the western powers.

Since the Latin language is an altered form of the ancient Turkish language, just like all of the other Indo-European and Semitic languages, the old Turanian names of villages, towns, cities and lands were also all altered after the wanderers usurped them from the native Turanians. Similarly the name "ALBA LONGA" also became an altered name from its older Turkic form.

Most likely the name "ALBA" was originally in the form of Turkish "ALMA" meaning "apple". We find the Turkish word "ALMA" (ELMA) in an altered form in the Italian language in the form of "MELA" meaning "apple". [5] Similarly, the Latin word "MALUM" means an "apple, peach, pomegranate, etc.." [6] When the word is rearranged as "ALM-UM", it becomes a form of the Turkish word "ALMAYUM" meaning "I am apple". These correspondences cannot be due to coincidence. Evidently these two "Latin" words have been restructured from the Turkish word "ALMA (ELMA)".

The name "ALBA LONGA", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "ALGON-ALBA", (where B and M are readily interchangeable because they are labial sounds), is seen as the restructured Turkish name "ALGUN ALMA" meaning "Red-Sun Apple", or "KIZIL-GÜN ALMA" meaning "Golden-Sun Apple", or "KIZIL ALMA" meaning "Golden Apple". This describes not only a "golden yellow apple" or "golden red apple" as a fruit, but also the golden/red-sun itself. Turkish ALGON (ALGÜN, KIZIL GÜN) means "Red Sun" or the "Golden Sun" and a day with "golden daylight" or "golden sunlight". Thus the archaic name of the so-called "ALBA LONGA", most likely was Turkish "ALGON ALMA" meaning "Golden Apple" or "KIZIL ALMA" in Turkish referring to the sacred beings Sun and Moon.

Turkish "AL-TANRI" (KIZIL TANRI) meaning "Red-God" or the "Golden God" refers to the ancient Turanian Sun-God. Turkish "ALA-TANRI" meaning the "Spotted-God" refers to the Moon-God. And Turkish "AALAA (ALA) TANRI" meaning "The Supreme God" refers to the "Sky-Father-God".

The adjectives "AL, ALA and ALA or ALI" are all embedded in the Turkish term "AL" which was one of the many Turkic names for the ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God concept. For example, the ancient name of BAAL for GOD was nothing but the Turkish expression "ABA (APA) AL" meaning "Father-Red" or "Golden Father". This name BAAL can readily be rearranged as "ALBA" and still mean "AL ABA" (AL APA), that is, the name of Sky-God in Turkish. As noted the name ALBA is also in the name of the ancient city of "ALBA LONGA".

Furthermore, in the mythological stories related to "Adam and Eve", supposedly "God" ordered them not to eat from the "APPLE" tree. Could it be that somebody was giving a secret message of: "do not follow "ALMA" or "ALBA" (BAAL) deity, if you do, that is a sin? In fact, Turkish "ALMA" in one sense means "apple" but in another sense it is a command meaning "do not take it". These two meanings, when put together, form "Do not take the Apple", that is, do not follow that "Red Apple" religion.

The Turkish term AL has been retained as the article AL in Arabic and similarly as EL in some European languages. In Judeo-Christianity, the article EL signifies the Turkish word "YEL" meaning "wind". This was the case for the ancient Akkadians when they adopted the name EN-LIL (HAN YEL).

Thus we see that KIZIL ALMA in Turkish, while it is a descriptive expression literally defining a "RED APPLE" and also a "GOLDEN APPLE" fruit , on the other hand it metaphorically refers to the Sky-God deities of the ancient Turanians. Hence the original name of Rome was a name of God in Turkish. That is why the so-called Pontifex Maximus, Chief priest of Rome would not or could not be allowed to say it loudly. That is also why anyone saying the original Turanian name of Rome would be punished by death. The name "Rome" is simply an artificial name invented to cover up the original Turkish name for this ancient religiously sacred city of the Turanians. This sacred city whose original name was replaced with "Rome" or "Roma" related to the concept of "wanderer") is the top city of Christianity since the birth of this late religion.

It is most likely that Ziya Gökalp in his poem "KIZIL ELMA" was referring not only to ancient Turan but also to the ancient glory of Turan which gave civilization to the world.

At this point I must also indicate, as a passing comment, that the name "ALGON" is also embedded in the name of the North-American Native Peoples so-called "ALGONQUIAN". Most likely this name is from the Turkish expression "ALGÜNGÖYLÜLER" meaning "Those who are the followers of the Golden Sun and Sky" or "ALGÜN-KÖYLÜLER" meaning "Red Sun worshiping villagers" or "Golden Sun worshipping villagers". The name ALGONQUIAN is defined as: "An Indian people of the Ottawa river valley". [7]

[1] Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary, Istanbul, 1987, p. 662.
[2] Cassal’s Compact Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 12.
[3] Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition Springfield, Mass. USA, 1947,
Pronouncing Gazetteer Section, p. 1185.
[4] Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition, 1947, Pronouncing Gazetteer
Section, p. 1185.
[5] C. Graglia’s "new Pocket dictionary of the Italian and english Languages",
London, New York, 1864, p. 240 and 464.
[6] Cassal’s Compact Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 151.
[7] Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1991, p. 70.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya

July 23, 2006
End of PART-1. (PART-2 to follow)