Regarding the ethnic identity of ancient Etruscans, confusing writings have been produced since the times of ancient Romans and Greeks. To me the ancient confusion was intentional because ancient Greeks, Romans and the Semitic people jointly wanted to destroy the ancient Turanian civilization and obliterate the Turanian identity of any Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples whom they could influence. The Turanian civilization was the first worldwide civilization and when it was at its peak in the world, there was no Greek or Roman or Semitic religions or civilizations. Present day DNA studies have tied the origin of Etruscans to Anatolia. [Achilli A, Olivieri A, Pala M, et al. (April 2007). "Mitochondrial DNA variation of modern Tuscans supports the near eastern origin of Etruscans" []. For general information about Etruscans and their civilization in Italy, see the Wikipedia link at
"Etruscans referred to themselves as Rasenna, but to the Romans and Greeks they were Etrusci, Tusci, Tyrrheni, or Tyrseni. To the modern Italians they are still Etrusci and the name of the Etruscan Sea is still the Tyrrhenian, after perhaps 3,000 years." [].
It is said that Etruscans called themselves Rasenna, but it is not clear why it is so different from the names Etrusci, Tusci, Tyrrheni, or Tyrseni as the name Rasenna does not have any linguistic relation to these names. This difference in names may be explained as follows: The name RASENNA (or RASNA) is most likely another religious identity related to the Sky-God concept in accordance with the ancient Turanian civilization; while the other names such as ETRURIA, ETRUSCAN and TYRRHENI, TYRSENI or TYRSENOI are related to their ethnic identity that is derived from the Sky-God name TUR (TYR, THOR) which is also the linguistic root of the names TURAN, TURANIAN, TURKISTAN, TURKIYE, THRACIA, TURÖY, TYRIAN, TURKMEN, TURK and more. I believe that even the name RASENNA (or RASNA) is an altered form of an original name in Turkish.
The Etruscans have been falsely labelled as the "orientalizing" people of ancient Italia, which gives the impression that Etruscans were somehow Indo-European themselves but were trying to imitate the "oriental" peoples in their actions and cultures, or, were culturally influenced by the "oriental" peoples. [].
Etruscan and Pelasgian writings are very much the same as the writings of ancient Anatolians and Turks of Central Asia - which commonly used the colon, or a dot, as a word separator.
Turanians antedated the so-called Indo-Europeans and Semites in Asia, Europe and in North and Central Africa. Etruscans and their kin people were the Turanian natives of the ancient so-called "continent" of Europe - which was called "OGUZ ÖY" meaning "house of Oguz". [,].
Aryans and Semites were the wanderers of the ancient world until they implanted themselves into the so-called "continent of Europe" which is a part of the continent of Asia. The word Aryan is from the Turkish word "Arayan" meaning "wanderer. The Aryan Greeks (Rum) are said to have come to the geography presently called "Greece" around the early part of the second millennium B. C. When the Greeks - (named "Graeci" in Latin - from Turkish "Garachi" meaning "wanderer") came to ancient "Greece", they found there a much earlier established and advanced Turanian civilization.
The Etruscans founded their capital city of "KIZIL ALMA" meaning "Golden Apple" around 750 B.C., and ruled it for at least a hundred years before it was taken over by the Aryan Romans with the help of other wanderer tribes. The city was renamed as "ROMA" by the wanderer Romans who intermingled with the Etruscans for at least a thousand years afterwards. In other words, the Romans lived with the Etruscans for a thousand years, and intimately knew them and even sent their children to Etruscan schools to get a better education, yet in their ancient writings, they keep saying that they do not know who these ancient and civilizing Etruscan were! This is not convincing. They are simply denying the Etruscans ancient Turanian Turkish identity.
The English terms ORIENT and ORIENTAL are falsely said to be from "Old French, or from Latin orientalis" , [Oxford American Dictionaries], which is misleading! In making such a statement, they do not admit the fact that these words, supposedly belonging to "Indo-European" languages, have been ciphered from the Turkish language. When the word ORIENT is deciphered as "TORENI", we see an altered form of the Turkish word "TURANI" meaning "from Turan; from Orient". When the word ORIENTAL is deciphered as "TORANLI-E", we see an altered form of the Turkish word "TURANLI" meaning "Turanian" and/or Turkish "TURANLI Ev" meaning "house of Turanian". Similarly when the Latin word ORIENTALIS is deciphered as "TORANLIIES", we see an altered form of the Turkish word "TURANLIYIZ" meaning "we are from Turan". All of this tells us that the so-called "orientalizing Etruscans" were not imitating anyone, but rather, were living their own Turanian culture and civilization in line with their ancient traditions!
Among the present day writers, Dr. Mario Alinei has done extensive studies,, that relates the Etruscans, first to Hungarians and Uralic Ugric peoples, and then to Indo-Europeans. He does this using some words from the comparison of little known Etruscan language and the present day languages of Hungarian and Ugric peoples. He postulates that, the Magyars, that is, an Ugric people themselves, got separated from other Ugric peoples and moved from the Ob River area to their pesent historical territory. He also states that "when the Altaic Horse-Riding Turkic Cultures developed in the steppe area, that is, from Mongolia to Hungary, from the times of prehistory, proto-history and history, they influenced Magyars and the Ugric languages. Similarly, the ancestors of Etruscans were also accultured by the Turkish elites. The Magyars and their kin Etruscans moved from Carpathian mountains to Italia where they developed the so-called "Villanova Culture" (that is, the earliest Iron Age culture of central and northern Italy - which was the Etruscan culture, []) of Central Italy at around 1000 B.C. To this culture also related the Polada culture in Italy. Dr. Mario Alinei bases his views on a postulation put forward by the American Hugh Hencken. The implication of all this is that the Etruscans were not Turanian Turkish people but rather were Indo-European people who got accultured and "orientalized" by the Turanian Turkic peoples!
The name VILLANOVA: When the word VILLANOVA is deciphered as "OVALLI-VAN", we see an altered form of the Turkish word "OVALI EVLER" meaning "valley houses" or "houses in the valley". The Turkish AN suffix is an ancient plurality suffix. This is a correct decipherment because the Villanovans were living in the Po valley in Italy. When the word VILLANOVA is deciphered as "ALV-OVLIAN", we see an altered form of the Turkish word "ALAV EVLILER" meaning "houses with flame" . This is also a correct decipherment because the Villanovans were known for their metallurgical culture where they used fire to smelt metals and shape them in the blacksmiths hearths.
The POLADA culture: "Polada CATEGORY: site DEFINITION: An Early Bronze Age lake dwelling site near the southern end of Lake Garda in Lombardy, Italy, the type site of the Polada culture, c 2200-1600 BC. The culture was characterized by a coarse undecorated ware forming deep carinated cups and various simple jars. The strap handles were often surmounted by knobs. Tlat and slightly flanged axes were made of bronze. Antler was much used, and objects and vessels of wood survive on waterlogged sites. A variety of settlement types occur, including hill sites and lake villages like Polada itself. The Polada people were accomplished metalworkers, producing a range of tools and weapons showing strong connections with Unetice and other Early Bronze Age groups north of the Alps. The Polada culture has features derived from Latin ETRURIA assemblages, such as wristguards and v-perforated buttons, also." The name POLADA is also interesting to note. Archeologically, POLADA culture is particularly known for its bronze age and later iron working culture. In view of this metal-working activity, the name "POLADA" is very much the same as Turkish name "POLAT" (POLAD, PULAT) which means "steel", "hard iron". It is indicated that the "The Polada people were accomplished metalworkers, producing a range of tools and weapons" which require to be made from "hard iron", that is, "steel". Ancient Turanians were famed for their metallurgical culture and iron works. Turkish ERGENEKON epic story relates their capability in iron works. So I would say that the name of the village POLADA in Lombardy, Italy is a remnant of that earlier Turanian metal working culture. Regarding the word 'metallurgy', please see my paper at url
Regarding the Hungarians, of course, they were unquestionably ethnic Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, but, the fact that they were "Christianized" is proof that their ancient Turkish identity was changed, and their original Turkic language was "Aryanized" by the church operators (i.e., clergy). Thus, their Turkish identity was intentionally obliterated by these ancient "Black Magician" priests. I even suspect that the Etruscan language was also manipulated by the Greek and Roman clergy - since Etruscan words appear confused like Greek, Latin and and other "Aryan" languages. For the Turanian identity of Hungarians, for example, we can examine the name BUDAPESHT of the capital city of Hungary. The Hungarian capital city called "BUDAPESHT" is also called "BUDA PEŞTE" in Turkish. The name can be viewed in two parts as BUDA and PESHT. BUDA itself is built on hills. The name BUDA comes from Turkish "TEPE-O" (DEBE O) meaning "it is hill; it is head". And the name PESHT is also from Turkish word "BAŞTI" (changed to BASHTI then to PESHT) meaning "it is head". A capital city is called BAŞ KENT in Turkish. The term TEPE (BAŞ) meaning "head" in Turkish, represented a sacred concept in ancient Turanian religion. The capital city BUDAPESHT is built on two banks of the Danube river. The capital city BUDAPESHT being the "top city, the head city" in the country, and also being made up with words BUDA and PESHT, must have been regarded as sacred city of the country in ancient times. Thus, it can be said that the name BUDAPESHT is coming from the ancient Turanian religious considerations of the Human Head as being a creator God figure! Ancient cities, pyramides, kurgans, temples, etc. have all been built as "hill" (tepe) like monuments to honour that principal religious cooncept. The name BUDAPESHT is like the ancient city name Thebes of ancient Masar ("Egyp't) and also the seven-gated city of Thebes in ancient Greece. The name Thebes is also made up from Turkish TEPE-BASH or BASHTE. Thus, the name BUDAPESHT is an indication that ancient Hungarians were Turanian Turkish speaking people.
We have the following information reagarding the ancient history of Budapest at Wikipedia link:
"The history of Budapest began with Aquincum, originally a Celtic settlement[10][11] that became the Roman capital of Lower Pannonia.[10]
Neolithic, Chalcolithic-, bronze and iron age cultures, Celtic and Eravisci settlements on present day Budapest.
1st century Romans found the settlements known as Aquincum, Contra-Aquincum and Campona. Aquincum becomes the largest town of the Danubian region and one of the capitals of Pannonia.
5th century The Age of Huns. King Attila builds a city for himself here according to later chronicles. After his death, the sons of his brother Mundzuk (Hungarian: Bendegúz, Turkish: Boncuk), Attila and Bleda (Hungarian:Buda), in control of the united Hun tribes.
896 Following the foundation of Hungary, Árpád, leader of the Hungarians, settles in the "Town of Attila", usually identified as Aquincum."
The "Celtic" name of AQUINCUM is interesting. This ancient name AQUINCUM, rearranged as "AI-QUNCU-M", is the altered and Romanized form of the Turkish name "AY GÜNCÜM" (AY GÜNCÜyüM) meaning "I am Moon and Sun believer". This makes the ancient "Celtic" people of Hungary as Turkish speaking Turanian peoples.
Similarly, the name "CONTRA-AQUINCUM" means "I am Against the concept that the name AQUINCUM represents". Of course, this means that the Romans were against AQUINCUM because they wanted to destroy the ancient Sun and Moon based religious concept, that is, "AY GÜN" (GÜN AY) in Turkish and the Turanians themselves. That is why they were against it. So the ancient name of the city was changed to get rid of the old Turanian name "AY GÜN"!
Even the Roman province name PANNONIA, when rearranged as "N-APANIN-O", is the altered form of the Turanian Turkish expression "aN APANIN Öyü" meaning "House of Sky-Father".
Similarly, the Romanized name DALMATIA, > "AL-ATA-DMI", which is the altered form of the Turkish expression "AL ATA DAMI" meaning "Home of Red Father", that is, "Home of the Sun". Thus all of these names have been composed in accordance with the religious concepts of the ancient Turanians, although they are Aryanized!
The name "CELTIC" is also associated by the name "AUSTRIA" which itself is very enlightening. The name AUSTRIA is a restructured form of the Turkish expressions: a) "OGUZ ÖYÜTÜR" meaning "it is the house of Oguz";
b) rearranged as "AS-TUR-IA" is from Turkish "AS TUR ÖYÜ" meaning "one house of Tur".
Thus, the name "AUSTRIA" is like the word TURKIA which is "TÜRK ÖYÜ" meaning "House of Turk". Indeed, even this name "AUSTRIA" shows that in ancient times it was also a land of the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. This again indicates that the ancient Europe was indeed a house of Oguz!
Even the name of Atilla's brother being BENDEGUZ in Hunguarian is also interesting, because, it is a Turkish name that says "I am the servant of Oguz", thus, declaring his belief in the ancient Turanian Sky-God concept OGUZ and also means "I am the Oguz" saying that his name was OGUZ which is a Turkish name for men.
The Romans learned from the Etruscans building aquaducts, the use of arches in aquaducts, bridges, gates, in water and sewer drainage systems and in walls. Some of the Etruscans designed and built arches that have stood up untill the present times after more than 2,000 years later. They were masters in water works. In this regard, I would also like to bring some Latin words to the attention of the readers.
The Latin words AQUATOR and AQUATORIS: The Latin words "aquator" or "aquatoris" mean "water-carrier, water bearer", that is, "one who fetches water". The Latin word AQUATOR, rearranged letter-by-letter as "ARUQTA-O", is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "ARUKTI O" meaning "it is water channel", "it is irrigation ditch". Turkish word ARUK (ARK) means "water channel, irrigation ditch". Additionally, the Latin word AQUATOR, rearranged letter-by-letter as "AQUTAR-O", is the altered form of the Turkish expression "AKUTAR O" meaning "it carries water", "it makes water to flow". Turkish word AKUTUR (AKITIR) is derived from Turkish verb AKUTMAK (AKITMAK) meaning "to let water flow". Similarly the Latin word AQUATORIS, rearranged letter-by-letter as "SU-QATARI-O", is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression "SU GETIRI O" meaning "he/she/it brings water", "he/she/it fethches water", "he/she/it is water carrier". This definition in Turkish refers not only to people who actually carries water from one place to another, but also applies to for example , aquaducts which carry water from far away sourses to the cities. Turkish word SU means "water", GETIRI means "he who brings, he who carries" which is derived from Turkish verb GETIRMEK. Thus the term AQUAE meaning "water" is also from Turkish word "SU" but in a totally confused way. The term AQUAE by itself is from Turkish "AKUYO" (AKIYOR, AKMAK fiilinden) meaning "it is flowing" describing the running water. "Flowing" (akmak) is a natural characteristic of water. So no part of this so-called "Latin" words is "Latin".
The Latin word AQUAEDUCTUS: (an
aquaeduct) AQUAEDUCTUS
> "SU-AQUTUCEDA" Turkish word "SU
AKUTUCUDU"meaning "it
is water conductor" "it is water chanell". That
is what an AQUAEDUCTUS is
all about!
Thus, in view of these analysis, these "Indo-European" word are nothing but altered, restructured, Romanized and usurped Turkish words and or expression, just like countless words of the so-called "Indo-European" languages have been anagrammatized from the mother/father language of Turkish. Evidently, people have been deceived totally by some ancient so-called "writers" who were mainly the religious priests and rabbies!
The Latin name PRAETOR,
The name PRAETOR, PRAETORIS meaning "leader,
chief; at Rome one of the praetors, the Roman magistrates who administered
justice", [Cassell's compact Latin-English English-Latin Dictionary,
1962, p. 198].
a) The name PRAETOR,
rearranged as "PERTAR-O", is
the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"BiRDiR
O" meaning "he
is one, he is unique, he is head, he is chief, he is leader". Thus, the
source for this Latin term PRAETOR is
the Turkish language.
b) The name PRAETORIS,
rearranged as "PIR-OST-ER-A",
is the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"BiR
ÜST ER O" meaning "he
is one one top man, he is headman, he is chiefman, he is leader man".
Thus, the source is the Turkish language.
c) The name PRAETORIS,
rearranged as "PAS-ERTIR-O",
is the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"BAŞ
ERDiR O" meaning "he
is the headman, he is chiefman, he is the leaderman, he is the king".
Thus, again the source is 100% from Turkish language.
The term "magistrate" is defined "a
civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, esp. one who conducts a
court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more
serious ones".
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin magistratus ‘administrator,’ from
magister ‘master’ , [Oxford English Dictinary].
This etymology does not tell the truth. It is misleading and does not tell the
real origin of the word.
rearranged as "SER-TURG-ATAMI,
is the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"SER-TURK-ADAMI" meaning "the
head Turk man".
rearranged as "SGR-TURE-ATAMI,
is the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"SER-TURE-ADAMI" meaning "the
head law man, the chief tradition man".
rearranged as "ITARASE-TURGM,
is the anagrammatized and Romanized from of the Turkish expression"IDARACI
TÜRKüM" meaning "I
am the administrator Turk, I am the ruler Turk".
Again the source for this Latin term MAGISTRATURE is
the Turkish language contrary to the saying that its origin is "late
Middle English"!
term "palaeolitic" means "the early phase of the Stone Age". The front end of
the term, i.e., "paleo"- (or Brit. palaeo-) is said to be a combining form being
from Greek word "palaios" meaning ‘old, ancient.’ The
Paleolithic period extends from the first appearance of artifacts to the end of
the last ice age (about 8,500 years ago). The period has been divided into the
Lower Paleolithic, with the earliest forms of humankind and the emergence of
hand-ax industries (ending about 120,000 years ago), the Middle Paleolithic, the
era of Neanderthal humans (ending about 35,000 years ago), and the Upper
Paleolithic, during which only modern Homo sapiens is known to have existed", [Oford
American Dictionary].
The Greek term PALAIOS means "old,
ancient, antique" , [Divry's
English -Greek, Greek-Englsh dictionary,1988, p. 625]. The term PALAIOS is the
Hellenized form of the Turkish word PALAS
rag, old cloth, tattered clothes, old things". Thus the source of this
Greek word is again in Turkish.
The Greek term LITHOS meaning "stone",
when rearranged as "TOSHLI", we find that it is the altered and
restructured form of the Turkish word "TAŞLI" meaning "with
stone". Turkish word TAŞ means "stone".
Thus linguistically, when we put so-called "Greek" words PALAIOS
+ LITHOS (paleolithic) together
and decipher them as "PALAS-TOSHLI-OI",
we find the term "paleolithic" is
actually the anagrammatized form of the Turkish exprssion "PALAS
TAŞLI ÖY" (ESKI TAŞLI ÖY) meaning "old
stone house".
Similarly, the Greek term PALAIOLITHIKOS meaning
"paleolithic", when rearranged as "ISKI-TASH-OILOLAP" "ESKI
TASH ÖYLÜLER" meaning "those
with old stone houses". Here, we must note that in Greek alphabet, the
Latin letter P is the symbol of Greek letter "R". Thus our decipherment is a
pefect Turkish phrase in every respect!
Now we must note that the concept of ancient palaeolitic times is expressed with
the saying of "PALAEOLITHIC
Here the English term PERIOD,
when rearranged as "DEPIR-O",
we find that this English term is also anagrammatized form of the Turkish word "DEViR
O" meaning "it
is period". So even this so-called English term has been usurped from
Turkish just like the "Greek" PALAIOS and LITHOS have
been. Thus, we can confidently say that the term "PALAEOLITHIC
PERIOD" is just an anagrammatized
form of the Turkish expression "ESKi
TAŞ DEVRi", and that is what it is called in Turkish!
So, in view of the fact that the Indo-European languages are artificially
manufactured languages by way of alterations and restructuring of Turkish
language words and phrases. And similarly, the people who presently speak these
IE languages are mostly, and most likely, the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz
peoples whose Turkic identity has been artifically changed and obliterated
throughout the recent history. In view of these secretive and intentional
manipulations of the ancient world peoples and languages, how can we
linguistically assume and extend an "Indo-European" language concept and
presence into the so called "PALAEOLITHIC
PERIOD" extending over a period
of say 120,000 years from present.
Thus I say, a linguistic theory, based on the present usage of the IE languages
in the world, cannot be regarded as a trustable base forextending IE
languages over so-called "Palaeolitic period". Linguists will eventually have
to accept the fact that the IE languages are artificially fabricated languages
and historically they are recent phenomena, and they did not exist beyond 4000
years. The Aryan Greek, Latin and Sanskrite languages provide for us more than
enough examples to regard them as languages artificially made up from Turkish!
With all of this, I mean to state that the so-called "Indo-Europeanism" is a
later movement of Aryans which started after the invent of Judeo-Christianity
and the Brahmanism and the Abrahamics who indeed by their very secretive cult
activities, wanted to destroy the ancient Turanian civilization and to build a
new world order using the mythology as a means to cover up what they did. No
question that they have achieved a new world order of their own wish, but in
doing that, they have also caused a total disorder among the world population
thrown into a world of darkness! From this confusion the very same small group
of manipulators have benefited immensly both politically and economically.
Therefore, world population have been betrayed, conned, deceived and left in the
dark by a groups of ancient secretive clergy who made a business out of coming
up all kinds of fabricated languages from the ancient Turkish language!
In view of this linguistic deception how can linguists make
"linguistic comparisons" between Turkish and the so-called "Indo-Europen"
langauges that have already been fabricated from Turkish words and phrases by
way of alteration. One cannot truthfully compare a distorted and restructured
form of Turkish expressions with the monosyllabic words of Turkish language and
then come up with a sound linguistic judment. Presently, that is exactly what we
see the European linguists are doing. That is to say comparing the falsely
formatted words of artificially manufactured so-called "Indo-European" languages
with the words of the ancient Turanian language of Turkish. Thus, the so-called
'comparative linguistic' is a loaded-dice that comes up everytime the way the
European linguists want to see. One wrong after another does not make the end
result 'right' and of course, at the
end the wrong judgement and
conclusions are made everytime!!!
The falsehood had already started by the self-serving priests of the Semite
Akkadians who owned the wealth of ancient "Babylonia" plus the control of the
people. The same game was carried on to the present times by the "religion"
manufacturing Aryans and Semites and others. In every case, the all trusting and
unsophisticated people were the ones that were treated as "flocks". Politically
and economically, manufacturing religion have been a very good paying business
with the bonus of getting utmost respect! In my writings I have already shown
many more Greek and Latin words that have been concocted from the one progenitor
language of Turkish that the world spoke until this one-father language was
confused by Semites and the Aryans and even by others!
Now let us turn to the ancient Greek name TYRSENOI for
Atys (Greek: Ἄτυς) was the second king of Maeonia (later known as Lydia) and
father of Lydus, sons of Manes. He was the second king of the Atyad dynasty
according to Herodotus.[1] Herodotus later (1.94) relates that Maeonia (Lydia)
was beset with famine during Atys' reign, on which account the games of dice,
huckle-bones and ball were developed, and the Maeonians spent every other day
fasting and playing these games for 18 years. Not finding relief from hunger, Atys then
sent half the population of Maeonia with
his son Tursenosaway on ships,
and these settled in Umbria,
calling themselves Tyrrhenians. In
Etruscan mythology, Tyrrhenus was
one of the founders of the Etruscan Federation of twelve cities, along with his
brother Tarchon. Herodotus
describes him as the saver of Etruscans, because he led them from Lydia to
Etruria. His name was given to the Etruscan people by the Greek. The Romans
extended this use to the sea west of Etruria: the Tyrrhenian Sea.
In this citing, the Hellenized name TURSENOS, is the name of the King ATYS of Lydia of ancient Anatolia. rearranged as "SEN-TURSON", is the altered and restructured and Hellenized form of the Turkish name "SEN TURSUN" which has the meanings of: a) "you are Tur/Turk" which refers to his ethnicity; and additionally, and b) "you are Tursun" (you are Dursun, your name is Tursun/Dursun) which refers to his personal name as TURSUN (DURSUN). TURSUN and DURSUN are two Turkish names for men in Turkish culture. Both of these definitions in Turkish identify the Lydian king ATYS (i.e., ATAŞ in Turkish meaning "fire"), his son and his people as being Anatolian Turkish peoples whose identities have been artificially changed by the Greeks! Here it is important to note that the Greek alphabetic symbol of S, when it appears at the and of the "Greek" words, is a letter whose multy identities are not mentioned at all. Letter S at the and of the word has a different shape than the S that appears within the word. It is a symbol that acts as letter S, letter Sh, letter Ç and even letter Z. This is so because this function of the letter is extremely useful when altering and restructuring the Turkish words and expressions into so-called "Greek" words. In line with this insight knowledge, we see that the Greek name ATUS for the Lydian king is actually the Turkish name ATUŞ (ATAŞ) meaning "fire"!
Because of their Tur/Turk/Oguz identity, the Anatolian Lydian people who went to Italy under the liedership of Tursenos, it is natural that they called themselves by the name TYRSENOS or TYRRHENIANS. I showed the meaning of Tursenos above. Now let us understand the name TYRRHENIANS which refer to the Etruscans. This was one of the name by which the Etruscans were also remembered. The analysis of this name is given below. a) The Hellenized name TYRRHENIANS, rearranged as "ER-TYRSIN-HAN", is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression "ER TURSUN HAN" meaning "Hero Tursun Han". This identifies the leader of the Lydian migrating group under a Turkish leader and ruler title name. Turkish word ER means "man, soldier, hero and husband". b) The name TYRRHENIANS, rearranged as "TYRAN-ERISHN", is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression "TURAN ERISIN" meaning "you are Turan man, you are Turan Hero, you are Turan soldier". This identifies the Lydian migrating group as men, soldiers and heroes from a Turan land. c) The name TYRRHENIANS, rearranged as "TANRY-ERISHN", is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression "TANRU ERISIN" meaning "you are Tanri believing man". This identifies the Lydian migrating group as Turanian Tanri believing Tur/Turk/Oguz people. d) The name TYRRHENIANS, rearranged as "TYR-HAN-ERISN", is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression "TUR HAN ERISIN" meaning "You are Tur Lord man". This identifies the Lydian migrating group as Tur Lord people. e) The name TYRRHENIANS, rearranged as "TYRSIN-HAN-ER", is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression "TURSUN HAN ERI" meaning "men of Lord Tursun". This identifies the Lydian migrating group as the men of their lider Lord Tursun. f) Similarly, the Hellenized name TYRRHENIAN, rearranged as, "TYRAN-ERHNI", is the altered and restructured and Hellenized form of the Turkish name "TURAN ERENI" meaning "Turanian men, Turanian soldier, Turanian heroes" which identifies the Etruscans as Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz people from Anatolia. Thus all of these definitions in Turkish embedded in the name TYRRHENIANS identify the Etrurian TYRRHENIANS , that is, the ETRUSCANS as Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples in five different ways!
Regarding the Etruscan name TYRRHENIAN SEA: When the Etruscan name TYRRHENIAN SEA is rearranged as "TYRAN-EREN SIHA", we see the altered form of the Turkish phrase "TURAN ERLER SUYU" meaning "Sea of theTuranian Men". This corroborates the fact that the ancient "Mediterranean" geography was populated and surrounded by the Turanian people, e.g., Pelasgians, Etruscans, Sardinians, Sicilians, Corsicans, Minoans, Trojans, Ionians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Iberians, Anatolians and the Masarians (so-called Egyptians), just to name a few! That is why the ancient world was called "House of Oguz"!
The Etruscan name TARCHON: In
Etruscan mythology, Tyrrhenus was
one of the founders of the Etruscan Federation of twelve cities, along with his
brother Tarchon. Herodotus
describes him as the saver of Etruscans, because he led them from Lydia to
Etruria. His name was given to the Etruscan people by the Greek. The Romans
extended this use to the sea west of Etruria: the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Here we must note the Romanized name TARCHON which
is the unquestionable Turkish name TARKAN that
is used as Turkish name for men even at present days. TARCHON
(TARKAN) was brother of TYRRHENUS. Turkish
name TARKAN is
a name for men.
In Turkish TARKAN also
means a high level military rank for an Turkish official in ancient Turanian
About the name ETRUSCAN:
In this study, I will explain the term ETRUSCAN and
also some Etruscan related names that will reveal their ancient Turanian
identities - as the words carry much more information than what they appear to
be saying, but in Turkish! Here again I will try the power of Turkish in
deciphering the so-called "Indo-Europeanized" words.
We have the following from an entry by Wikipedia at url: Etruscan civilization
is the modern English name given to a civilization of ancient Italy in the area
corresponding roughly to Tuscany.
The ancient Romans called its creators the Tusci
or Etrusci.[1] Their Roman name is the origin of the terms Tuscany,
which refers to their heartland, and Etruria,
which can refer to their wider region. In Attic Greek, the Etruscans were known
as Τυρρήνιοι (Tyrrhēnioi),
earlier Tyrsenoi, from which
the Romans derived the names Tyrrhēni
(Etruscans), Tyrrhēnia (Etruria), and Mare
Tyrrhēnum (Tyrrhenian Sea).[2] The Etruscans called themselves Rasenna,
which was syncopated to Rasna or
First, let us understand the term "syncopated"
which is defined as to shorten (a word) by dropping sounds or letters in the
middle. This is exactly a form of distortion and disguising the original
identity of a given text by way of altering. This is exactly the way that the
words of the "Indo-European" languages have been made. Thus, the genuineness of
the Indo-European languages is a myth! They are all fabricated languages!!!
About the name RASENNA (or RASNA): The name RASENNA (or RASNA) that Etruscans are said to have used for themselves is most likely another religious identity associated with the Sky-God concept in accordance with the ancient Turanian civilization.
In this context, when the Etruscan
name RASENNA is
rearranged as "ASER-NAN", we
see an altered form of the Turkish name"ASER-HAN" meaning "The
Top Lord, The Sky-God".
This identifies them with the ancient Turanian Sky-God name "ASER"
(AZER) meaning "One
Man" and "Peerless
Man" respectively. It is
important to note here that the Etruscan word AISAR also
means God.
For Etruscan AISAR meaning
God see the article at url
"And when Troy fell to the Greeks, ancient british
histories record that Aeneas, with his family, including his father Anchises and
son Ascanius, sailed to what would become known as Britian (named after
Ascanius’s son Brutus, previously named Hibernia, after Heber, the biblical Eber), apparently
bringing with them the language of the Trojans, reflected in the runic language
recorded on stones from Britain and across Scandinavia and Germany, including
the inscripted wordaesar, from the etruscan term aisar, meaning god or gods,
Odin having been a great aesar of nordic legend who probably spoke the runic
language, perhaps among others, but the runic certainly recorded on the stones,
showing affinity to the etruscan, proof
of the ancient maritme relationship, with even ancient rock art showing ships
with sails, oars, and high double prows, much larger than the later viking
vessels, perhaps even from ice age times, which ended much later than popularly
As I noted above, the Etruscan name RASENNA,
rearranged as "ASER-NAN", is
also an altered form of the Turkish name "AZER-HAN" meaning "Peerless
Lord". These deciphered names in Turkish refer first to the ancient
Turanian Sky-God and secondly to the Etruscans themselves as people who
worshipped the Sky-God "Gök Tengri".
The Turkish name AZER has
been preserved in the name of the Turkish
HAZAR Empire, in the name of the Turkish State of AZERBAIJAN,
in the name of the HAZAR DENIZI,
that is, the Caspian Sea, and, in Turkish male names such as HAZAR and AZER.
So the ancient Azerbaijan Turks were one of the Etruscan groups, under the name ALBAN
LONGANS, who helped to build the ancient city of KIZIL
ALMA, that is, the present city of ROME in
Italia! The ancient Causcasian
"ALBANIANS" were the AZERI Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples!
"Albania (Latin:
Albānia, Greek: Ἀλβανία, Albanía,[5] in Old Armenian: Աղուանք Ałuankʿ[6],
Parthian: Ardhan, Middle Persian: Arran; usually referred to as
Caucasian Albania for
disambiguation with the modern state of Albania; the native name for the country
is unknown[7][8]) is a name for
the historical region of the eastern Caucasus, that existed
on the territory of present-day republic of Azerbaijan (where both of its
capitals were located) and partially southern Dagestan."
Of course, when the subject matter is about the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples,
somehow the eyes of the science becomes blind and suddenly they do not know
anything about this most ancient civilizing peoples of the world and they are
noted as "unknown" people. Hence, they do not know niether their origines
nor their native names or their native identity as it is stated in this
Wikipedia entry. We have the same western attitude in the case of Etruscans
because they were the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples!
Regarding the Etruscan name TUSCANIA and ETRURIA:
When the name TUSCANIA is
rearranged as “CUNAS-IAT”, we
see an altered form of the Turkish expression “GÜNEŞ
ÖYTI”meaning “it is
house of sun” (it is land of sun, it is country of sun). This name, in
Turkish, refers to TUSCANIA as
the country of the sun worshipping Etruscans who were Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz
Similarly, when the name ETRURIA is
rearranged as “TUR-ER-IA”, we
see an altered form of the Turkish expression “TUR
ER ÖYi”meaning “house
of Tur man” (land of Turman). This definition also so clearly identifies
the place called ETRURIA as
the country of a Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples!
Regarding the name ETRUSCAN :
Actually, the Romanized name ETRUSCAN has
a number of Turkish meanings hidden in its structure. These deciphered meanings
describe the identity of "ETRUSCANS" as follows: The name
a) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “GUNAS-ERT”, we see Turkish "GÜNEŞ
ERTi" meaning “he
is sun (worshipping) man”.
b) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TURCANSE”, we see Turkish "TURKANCI" meaning “from
c) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TURANCES”, we see Turkish "TURANCIyiZ" meaning “we
are from Turan”.
d) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TANRECUS”, we see Turkish "TANRICIyiZ" meaning “we
are TANRI believers”.
e) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TURSANCE”, we see Turkish "TURSUN'CI" meaning “follower
the son of the King ATYS (ATUS) (Turkish ATAŞ)
of Lydia who is said to have taken half of ancient Lydian people (Tur/Turk/Oguz
people) to ancient "Italia" - (this name is from Turkish "ALTAY
ÖYI" meaning "Altai
House". TURSUN / DURSUN is
also a name for men in Turkish culture.
f) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TARCUNSE”, we see Turkish "TARKAN'CI" meaning “follower
the second son of the King ATYS (ATUS) as
the above citing states so! I will explain this name in more detail below in the
name TARQUINIUS. Turkish name TARKAN is
a name for men. Turkish suffix AN is
the ancient plurality suffiz corresponding Turkish plurality suffix LER,
g) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “ASCERNTU”, we see Turkish "ASKERaNDU"
(ASKERLERDI) meaning “they
were soldiers”.
h) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TECNASU-R”, we see Turkish "TEKNECI
eR"" meaning “boatman”.
i) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “TUR-SCAEN”, we see Turkish "TUR
Turks”, the so-called SCYTHIANS and PELASGIANS.
j) The name ETRUSCAN rearranged
as “SUCEANTR”, we see Turkish "SUCUANTUR"
(SUCULARDIR) meaning “they
are sea people”.
RASNA * Etruschi *Etrusket * Etruscans * Etrusker * Etrusques * Etruscos
Regarding the name *ETRUSKET:
a) The name ETRUSKET rearranged as “TURKSETE”, we see Turkish "TÜRKCIDI" (TÜRKDÜ) meaning “he is Turk”.
b) The name ETRUSKET rearranged as “ESKERTU-T”, we see Turkish "ASKERDI O" meaning “he is soldier (man)", "He is hero man”.
Regarding the name *ETRUSKER:
a) The name ETRUSKER rearranged as "TUR-ESKER”, we see Turkish "TUR ASKERi" meaning “Tur soldier (Turk soldier)”.
b) The name ETRUSKER rearranged as "TURK-ERES”, we see Turkish "TURK ERIS" meaning “we are Turkmen, we are Turk soldier”.
c) The name ETRUSKER rearranged as "ESKERTUR”, we see Turkish "ASKERDÜR" meaning “he is soldier”.
Regarding the name *ETRUSQUES:
a) The name ETRUSQUES rearranged as “TURQSEUES”, we see Turkish "TÜRKCIYIZ" meaning “we are Turk, we are Turkmen”.
b) The name ETRUSQUES rearranged as “UQES-TURES”, we see Turkish "OGUZ TURIZ" meaning “we are Oguz Tur, we are Oguz Turk, we are Turkmen”.
Regarding the name *ETRUSCOS:
a) The name ETRUSCOS rearranged as “US-TORCES”, we see Turkish "UZ TÜRKÜZ" (OGUZ TÜRKÜZ) meaning “we are Oguz Turks”.
b) The name ETRUSCOS rearranged as “OKUS-TRES”, we see Turkish "OGUZ TuRUZ" (OGUZ TÜRKÜZ) meaning “we are Oguz Turs” (we are Oguz Turks).
c) The name ETRUSCOS rearranged as “SOSE-TURC”, we see Turkish "SÖZü TÜRK" (SÖZü TÜRKÇE) meaning “Turkish speaker, his language is Turkish”.
Regarding the name *ETRUSCHI:
The name ETRUSCHI rearranged as “TURCSHI-E”, we see Turkish "TÜRKÇi EV" meaning “Turkish houses".
In concluding this paper, it is important to highlight once again that in
deciphering all of these Hellenized, Romanized, Aryanized words, I have shown in
many different ways that the ETRUSCANS were
Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples - contrary to denials by many. Etruscan were part
of the native Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples in ancient "Europe" who gave
civilization to the world. Their Turanian Turkish identity has been
intentionally suppressed and darkened. But the recent works of honest
historical and linguistic researchers whose aim is to know the truth abouth the
identity of the ancient world will eventually bring the ancient truth about the
Turkish speaking Turanians to daylight. Turanians in "Europe" antedated Aryans
and Semites by thousands of years. The so-called "Indo-Europeans" were not
native of 'European" geography until recent times in history. To think that
there was an Indo-European language, say, some 4,000 years ago is a fallacy!
With best wishes to all,
Polat Kaya