In the ancient Turanian “home of GÜNHANs”, that is, the Canaan lands, in addition to those holy places that I noted in Part-4 of this study, there were other holy cities and places that need to be highlighted also.


a)  YARIKH the Moon-God City, by another name, JERICHO:

In this context, we have the following information:

“YARIKH (also written as Jerah, Jarah, or Jorah, Hebrew spelling ירח) is a moon god in Canaanite religion whose epithets are "illuminator of the heavens"', "illuminator of the myriads of stars" and "lord of the sickle". The latter epithet may come from the appearance of the crescent moon. YARIKH was recognized as the provider of nightly dew, and married to the goddess Nikkal, his moisture causing her orchards to bloom in the desert. The city of JERICHO bears his name”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarikh



Similarly, there is the god YARHIBOL.”


“Yarhibol is an Aramean god who was worshiped mainly in ancient Palmyra, a city in central Syria. He was depicted with a solar nimbus and styled "lord of the spring". He normally appears alongside Bel, who was a co-supreme god of Palmyra, and Aglibol, one of the other top Palmyrene gods.[1]

Reference: ^ Ted Kaizer (2002). The Religious Life of Palmyra: A Study of the Social Patterns of Worship in the Roman Period. Franz Steiner Verlag. pp. 56, 72, and 107. ISBN 978-3-515-08027-9.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarhibol




Polat Kaya:  The name YARIKH (also written as JERAH, JARAH, or JORAH) is a moon god in Canaanite (i.e., Günhan) religion whose epithets are said to be "illuminator of the heavens"', "illuminator of the myriads of stars" and "lord of the sickle". So, this god is described to be a heavenly deity that illuminates the heavens.  In our corner of the universe, that heavenly illuminater of the heavens is none other than the sun.  Additionally, the moon is also a candidate because of the fact that it reflects the golden rays of the sun and illuminates the night heaven.



In this context, we can identify the name YARIKH as being a Turkish word. From a Turkish reference source given below, we have the ancient Turkish words YARI, YARU that have the meaning of “PARLAMAK” in Turkish - meaning “to shine”;  and also the Turkish word YARUK (IŞIK, ATAŞLUK, ÇIRA) meaning “light, fire-source, light-source, torch; sun, moon”. [Reşit Rahmeti Arat:  “MAKALELER Cilt I”, TÜRK KÜLTÜRÜNÜ ARAŞTIRMA ENSTİTÜSÜ yayınları: 65, Seri IV –Sayı: - A. 20  Osman Fikri Sertkaya, 1987, s. 670.] So, we see that this ancient Canaanite term YARIKH is actually none other than the Turkish word YARUK which represents both the sun and sunlight and the moon and the moonlight.  The light from both of these are emanated from the sun itself.  Additionally, the terms JERAH, JARAH, or JORAH given by the Reference source above are also the same as the Turkish words YARI and YARU.  The letter J is a recent invention that often replaces the letters I or YThus, the term YARIKH of the ancient Canaanite religion and the Turkish word YARUK are one and the same.  They are Turkish words now as it was during the time of the Günhans in ancient Canaan lands. Throughout this writing, I showed in many ways that the ancient Canaanites, by another name the Phoenicians, were the Turkish speaking GÜNHANS of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. My revelations are contrary to all kinds of ancient concocted Greek and Semitic mythologies that intentionally omit the names of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  


In view of all these revelations, of course, the ancient Turkish Sun-God and the Moon-God in the Canaanite religion would have the epithets of “illuminator of the heavens”, "illuminator of the myriads of stars" since it is the sunlight that illuminates the moon and the earth and all other planets in our immediate space. In the description given above, the moon god would also be "lord of the sickle", where the term “sickle” is a metaphorical replacement for the “crescent moon”.  Both the crescent moon and the sun (star) presently embellish the Turkish flag as they did the emblems of the GÜNHANS of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. It is very enlightening to know that the Canaanite sacred city of JERICHO bears the ancient Turkish name YARUK where the letter Y has been replaced with letter J.  Of course, the name YARIKH is an altered and Semitized form of the Turkish word YARUK. This identification is more evidence that the Canaanites of the ancient Middle East were Turkish speaking Gunhans of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.



The Canaanite (i.e., Günhan) sacred Moon-City of YARUK (i.e., JERICHO) is identified by different sources as one of the cities that have been fully destroyed by the Israelites, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Jericho. This was a genocide of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples in ancient Canaan whose ancestor God TUR was the God of Gods and the God of Justice. They had given the “justice” concept to the world and furthermore, had given the world the civilizing and enlightening gift of writing and reading. Yet, they were subjected to genocide by the Israelites on no justification except some religious nonsensical sophistry that their god Jehova was more powerful than that of the Canaanite gods; and, also with the concocted excuse that their god had promised to give the Israelites the land of the Canaanites. Regarding the Canaanites and the Israelites, the following information given at link http://www.religioustolerance.org/imm_bibl3.htm is important to note:

Genocide of the residents of Canaan:  The Israelites invaded Canaan and, under God's instructions, exterminated seven nations in widespread acts of genocide: the Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. They continued to commit genocide against other groups.

Deuteronomy 7:1-2:  "... the seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them."

Joshua 6:21:  "And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."

This latter passage describes one event in the invasion of Canaan by the ancient Israelites. After the walls of the city of Jericho fell, the soldiers ran into the city, and murdered all its inhabitants: elderly men and women, mature men and women, pregnant women, youths, boys, girls, infants and newborns. Their goal was to entirely wipe out the Canaanite culture by destroying its people; this is one definition of genocide. Incidentally, the people were butchered by the edge of the sword, because the weapons did not have pointed ends”.

And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then, I will utterly destroy their cities.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herem_(war_or_property).


I explained the Turanian identities of these exterminated Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites above in Part-1. The Canaanite cities such as JERICHO and AI were subjected to destruction under the Semitic word “HEREM” which meant “total destruction, annihilation, obliteration”.  Even this Semitic term is none other than the altered and usurped form of the Turkish word KIRIM meaning “destruction, mass killing”.  Turkish word KIRIM is from Turkish verd KIRMAK meaning “to break; to kill; to destroy”.  Here, we see a very aggressive Semitic people wiping out a very ancient Turanian city with unrelenting hatred.  Obviously the Israelites and the Canaanites were not the same ethnic people.  If they were. The Israelites would not have genocided them.  It seems that the wandering Israelites wanted tle land of the Canaanites and conducted a genocide of the Canaanites to get their land.  About the age of the city, Archaeologists have found the remains of more than 20 successive settlements in Jericho, the first of which dates back 11,000 years (9000 BCE), [8] almost to the very beginning of the Holocene epoch of the Earth's history.



b)  The god named YARHIBOL:


The name YARHIBOL is said to be an “Aramean” god who was worshipped mainly in ancient PALMYRA, a city in central Syria. He was depicted with a solar nimbus and styled as "lord of the spring".  The name YARHIBOL represents another usurped concept from Turkish that has been anagrammatized into this artificially concocted and Semitized word.  In reality, it is total disinformation covering up an act of stealing Turkish language sayings.


The word “NIMBUS” is defined as “a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint; and also a rain cloud”.  The word HALO is actually the altered form of the Turkish word “HALE” or “HALI” which means a circular light formation in earth’s atmosphere around the shining moon in the night.  Even the sun has a “halo” when it shines through some “nimbus” clouds. In this context, when the word YARHIBOL is deciphered letter-by-letter as “BIR-Y-HALO”, it reveals its source as the Turkish saying “BİR AY HALE” (BİR AY HALİ, BİR AY GÖRÜNTÜSÜ) meaning “one moon halo, one moon appearance”.  The Moon was the “AY TANRI”, that is, the “moon god” of the ancient Turanians, and therefore, was regarded as Saintly.  When it shined through the wet rain clouds, its light made a halo around it.  The prefix NIM in the rain cloud NIMBUS is the altered form of the Turkish word NEM meaning  “wetness”. Thus, this so-called “Aramaen” god YARHIBOL was not Aramean at all, but rather it was none other than the stolen and restructured form of the ancient Turanian Moon-God.  Simply, its name was  formulated by using Turkish sayings. As usual while they stole everything from the ancient Turanian civilization of Tur/Turk/Oguz people, they also concocted mythology to cover up what they had been doing. 


Additionally, this Aramaen so-called “Semitic” name YARHIBOL has two other Turkish sayings embedded in it.  We see them by deciphering the name YARHIBOL into Turkish in two steps as follows:


a)  when the word YARHIBOL is deciphered letter-by-letter as “BAHOR-YLI”, we recover the Turkish word “BAHAR” meaning “spring”.
b)  and when the word YARHIBOL is deciphered letter-by-letter as “BH-AYLORI”, we recover the Turkish word “AYLARI” meaning “the months”.

Thus, these decipherments into Turkish reveal that the name YARHIBOL actually has been manufactured from the Turkish saying “BAHAR-AYLARI” meaning “the Spring months”, that is, the months of March, April and May.  Thus the term YARHIBOL meaning “moon-god” was actually, the personification of the three spring months rather than the moon itself. Of course, after the winter months, these spring months are the rainy months of each year during which the blossoming of earth takes place. However, it is not correct to attribute such awakening of life on earth to the Moon-God, but rather, all such blossoming of the deserts and the earth all around, is due to the Sun-God (that is, the Gün Tanri in Turkish) and the earth’s rotation around the sun.  We must note that the mythology writer, while he was stealing the Turkish expressions and concepts, he was also using the double meaning of the Turkish word AY in a rather labyrinthine way. The Turkish word AY, means “moon” and also “month”. So, the caballist usurper was having a free ride in all directions in generating his mythology. As if it was not enough to obliterate this very ancient Turanian civilization, he was attributing all of this knowledge to the Semitic “Arameans”.  




c)  CANANITE (i.e., GÜNHAN) holy city called Aİ (AY):


We have the following background information about the GÜNHAN city of AY from Encylopedia Britannica.


“Aİ (ancient city, Canaan) -- Encyclopedia Britannica. Ai. Ai, ancient Canaanite town destroyed by the Israelites under their leader Joshua (Joshua 7–8). Biblical references agree in locating Ai (Hebrew: ha-ʿAy, “The Ruin”) just east of Bethel (modern Baytīn in the West Bank).


Ai,  ancient Canaanite town destroyed by the Israelites under their leader Joshua (Joshua 7–8). Biblical references agree in locating Ai (Hebrew: ha-ʿAy, “The Ruin”) just east of Bethel (modern Baytīn in the West Bank). This would make it identical with the large early Bronze Age site now called At-Tall. Excavations there in 1933–35 by a French expedition uncovered a large temple and other remains of the 3rd millennium bc. That occupation ended about 2500 bc, and there was no later reoccupation except briefly in the 12th–11th century bc. The biblical events, however, are usually assigned to a period between about 1400 and 1200 bc. A widely accepted explanation is that early Israelite tradition identified the Canaanite town that was buried under the Israelite BETHEL with the imposing ruins of the still earlier At-Tall, only 1.5 miles (2.4 km) to the east.”  http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/10356/Ai


Polat Kaya: The Cananite (i.e., Günhan) holy city named Ai (Ay) was also fully destroyed by the Israelites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ai_(Bible).  Ai (Hebrew: העי; "heap of ruins"; Douay-Rheims: Hai) was a Canaanite royal city. The Canaanite name Ai is the Turkish word AY meaning “moon”.  So both Canaanite cities YARUK and AY were founded after the Turanian Moon God concept – and both cities were fully destroyed by the Israelites. We are told that the Canaanite royal city Ai had the meaning of “heap of ruins” in Hebrew.  This cannot be an accurate description of the city of Ai – after all, it was a Royal city of the Günhans.  Surely, any royal city, after being deliberately destroyed, becomes a “heap of ruins”.   Why would the Israelites destroy a “heap of ruins”?  Shame on those who intentionally destroyed the city of AI (AY) and the sacred Moon-City YARUK (i.e., JERICHO) in the first place. In describing the destruction of these Canaanite, (i.e., Günhan), cities, it is said that a total “HEREM” was inflicted upon the city.  As I noted above, so-called Semitic term HEREM, meaning “total destruction”, is the usurped and altered form of the Turkish word KIRIM meaning “destruction, mass killing”.



d) The term BETHEL, from the above reference, deciphered as “EL-EBTH”, is the altered and Semitized form of the Turkish saying “YEL EVDİ” meaning “it is the House of Wind (god)”.



e) Another similar Semitic name is the city named BETLEHEM which is described as: Bethlehem (Arabic: بيت لحم‎  About this sound Bayt Laḥm "House of Meat" Bēt Laḥm, lit. "House of Bread"; Hebrew: בֵּית לֶחֶם Bēṯ Leḥem, Modern: Bet Leḥem [bet ˈleχem], lit. "House of Bread"; Ancient Greek: Βηθλεέμ [bɛːtʰle.ém]) is a Palestinian city located in the central West Bank, about 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethlehem


Polat Kaya: Surely, the name BETLEHEM, supposedly meaning “house of meat” (a butcher house) or “house of Bread” (a baker’s shop) as indicated above, is not a convincing explanation regarding its etymology. The name BETLEHEM, is another concoction made up using ancient Turkish sayings. The name BETLEHEM, deciphered as “EL-EBEMTH”, reveals its source as the altered and Semitized form of the Turkish saying “YEL EVİMDİ” meaning “it is my house of Wind”.  Since the ancient Semites were wind-god believers, this town was most likely named after the Wind-God  - named YEL or EL – thus making it “house of Wind”.  Both of these names are Turkish words.  YEL means “wind” and EL means “hand”.  But, from the Canaanite Günhan’s point of view, the name of the city would be the Turkish saying “AL EVİMDİmeaning “it is my AL EV”, that is, “my Red House” which allegorically refers to the Sun.  Of course, the sun is a very hot and glowing “fire” - which is an ALEV in Turkish.   The city of “Bethlehem” was a Palestinian city originally.  The Palestinians were also Canaanites and were part of the Günhans.



We have another similar city named ALHAMBRA, described as:  Alhambra (/ælˈhæmbrə/; Spanish: [aˈlambɾa]; Arabic: الْحَمْرَاء, [ʔælħæmˈɾˠɑːʔ], Al-Ḥamrā', lit. "THE RED ONE"),[a] the complete form of which was Calat Alhambra,[b] is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. It was originally constructed as a small fortress in 889 and then largely ignored until its ruins were renovated and rebuilt in the mid-11th century by the Moorish emir Mohammed ben Al-Ahmar of the Emirate of Granada, who built its current palace and walls. It was converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada.[1]”  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alhambra


Even the original name CALAT ALHAMBRA, deciphered as “BR-AL-AHAM-CALA’T”, is the altered form of the Turkish saying “BİR AL AĞAM GALA’DI” meaning “it is the castle of the One Red Lord”.  This revelation in Turkish is exactly the same as the meaning attributed to the name ALHAMBRA. And it refers to the name of the ancient Turanian Sun-God AL.  But, this is so because the source of the name was in Turkish and the so-called MOORISH empire was a reestablishment of the ancient “Canaanite empire of GÜNHANS”.   Even the name of the founder “ZIYAD BIN TARIQ” was actually none other than the Turkish saying “BEN ZİYA OGLU TÜRK’DÜ” meaning “I am Turk son of Light”.



“PALESTINE (Arabic: فلسطين FILASṭĪN, Falasṭīn, FILISṭĪN; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin.”


When the name PALESTINE is deciphered as “PIL-ESTAN-E”, it reveals the Turkish saying “BİLİSTAN EVİ” meaning “house of enlightening knowledge”.

Similarly, when the word FILISTIN is deciphered as “FIL-ISTIN”, again it reveals the Turkish word “BİLİSTAN” meaning “(house of) enlightening knowledge”.

These findings in Turkish makes Palestine as an ancient Turanian “ISTAN” country - meaning that it was also a Sun-Moon-SkyGod believing and “knowledge believing” country - like the other Turanian peoples were. We must also note that the term BİL (from Turkish word “BİLGİ” meaning “knowledge” and the verb “BİLMEK” meaning “to know”) is a term that has been altered into Semitized forms such as BEL, BOL, BA’AL and BAL signifying the sun and moon gods of ancient Turanians, in addition to their belief in godly human “knowledge”.


Polat Kaya
